Remaining Lenders Grow: August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report

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Download the August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report here.

Big Names disappear, survivors grow

It’s strange to no longer see the familiar name of Bank of America on the top lenders report. Wells Fargo remains because endorsements usually trail applications by 3-4 months so soon they will fade from the top 10. What’s most interesting are the large and medium lenders who have begun to grab some of the market share left in the absence of Wells & B of A.
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Many jeopardized by poor credit for NMLS renewals: Industry Leader Update

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NMLS license renewals may get dicey for reverse originators with challenged credit history

If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that mortgage and financial professionals suffered financially with other Americans due to the housing and economic crash. This leaves many qualified reverse originators at risk of not being able to renew their NMLS license Continue reading

Will possible government shutdown stop RMs? Deadline is near for agreement.

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Ugly Politics: If debt limit agreement is not reached FHA could be part of government shutdown

Yes. It’s come down to politicians in Washington threatening that seniors social security checks may stop if the debt-limit or ceiling is not raised by congress. Nice. But closer to home comes the possibility that if the limit is not raised by August 2nd, then FHA could cease operationsContinue reading