Where Else Would They Go?

It’s difficult to stand and keep taking punches from a largely misinformed media when it comes to reverse mortgages. On December 20th the Wall Street Journal published a Peter Bell (NRMLA President) response to an article the week before…

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What just happened? A look behind the scenes.

Even though HUD telegraphed their intentions to make substantial changes to the reverse mortgage program many today are in a state of shock. Here’s brief look behind the scenes courtesy of NRMLA’s special bulletin. First, our industry has been very active in working with those shaping policies for the HECM program. NRMLA and others have been working tirelessly

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Risk Management: A Fair Approach?

With FHA’s mortgage portfolio showing and estimated negative $16 billion dollar balance after accounting for projected future losses the agency is in risk management mode. But with the HECM program possibly facing reduced loan to value ratios, or as we call them principal limit ratios, wouldn’t it be wise to reduce lending ratios for traditional FHA mortgage borrowers? Today, despite the housing crash and fragile market recovery, borrowers can pay a minimum of 3.5 percent down…

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Saving the Reverse Mortgage. What If?

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What if? That is pretty much all we can say as an industry about the certain and yet unknown changes to the federally insured HECM or reverse mortgage program. With an estimated future negative balance of 2.8 billion FHA finds itself in an awkward postion. One of defending the existence of the program before the Senate. Yes, some members of the Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs pushed the idea of suspending, yes stopping the program as a solution