HECM Changes Coming This Fall

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change-pillDespite executive order, more HECM Changes coming this fall

One would think our industry may catch it’s collective breath from the rapid nonstop pace of new rules and regulations for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. Such hopes were bolstered with the February announcement of President Trump’s Executive Order curbing federal regulations. However, it appears that HUD’s final rules will in fact be implemented this fall. What do such changes hold in store for the reverse mortgage industry?

Perhaps it is fitting that HUD’s final HECM rule will arrive just days before the fall season officially begins on September 19th. The rollout will come in three phases: self-implementation, changes to the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook, and future mortgagee letters. During the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association meeting last week in New York City, the association’s president and CEO Peter Bell expressed their comfort on the direction of the coming rules changes.

Some additional changes are welcomed by industry participants. These include ….

Pulling Weeds


Problem solving is like pulling weeds

pulling-weedsHey! We’ve all have something in common…problems. It should come as no surprise yet what some struggle with is the ability to face our problems leaving them unsolved.

Last weekend as I was pulling weeds out of the rock bed in our front yard a thought hit me. Could this have been prevented? Absolutely it could have been. While I actually enjoy the occasional 6-hour workout doing yard work, I didn’t enjoy pulling out my weeds, my problems. I could have prevented this back-breaking task by simply applying a weed repellent every three months; something I had failed to put on my calendar.

Unresolved problems are more than a distraction, they can negatively impact our health, mental focus, and personal relationships. So here are a few things to keep in mind as we face our own flavor of problems.

1. Be brave. Being honest with yourself requires courage. Have the courage to ask, ‘could this have been avoided in the first place’?

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The Aftermath


Surviving spouses may need more than sympathy..

reverse mortgage newsThe loss of one’s spouse is devastating; not only emotionally, but often financially as many survivors find unexpected debt and expenses…

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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Andragogy: Lifelong Learning Around the Globe

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In medicine, the motto is: see one, do one, teach one. A little scary if you’re about to be a surgeon’s first patient — but a positive life philosophy when applied to active aging.

In France, this concept has taken shape as “Les Talents d’Alphonse”: Connecting Talent with Curious People. Thibault Bastin and Barthelemy Gas, two young French engineers, pivoted from building roads to building bridges, creating a platform for intergenerational talent exchange. And it’s not unidirectional: both elders and young people benefit from this creative lifelong learning solution to senior loneliness and isolation.

reverse mortgage newsAndragogy in Action

Les Talents d’Alphonse emerged as Bastin and Gas traveled in Mexico, the Congo and the Philippines for their engineering internship. As they worked, they grew fascinated by the intergenerational links they observed — and the respect accorded elder wisdom. Spending time in these developing countries helped them recognize gaps in modern society for older adults to teach others tangible skills. There was no such link between retirees and the working population in France, so they decided to create one. The mechanics of old motorcycles, cars and bicycles; sewing and knitting, creation of design and industrial furniture, DIY, restoration of antiques, photography… the possibilities seemed limitless.

Was it a viable idea? Just one year in, Bastin and Gas have hundreds of “Alphonse”: seniors who want to meet new people and transmit their knowledge. Younger folks are similarly intrigued. It’s a two-way street. They’ve changed the model. And the seniors themselves are the best ambassadors for the program, posting flyers and encouraging other elders to participate. Bastin and Gas have since spoken at TEDx/Paris about seniors as an indispensible societal resource, and launched a crowdfunding campaign to expand Les Talents d’Alphonse and bring the concept to other countries.

Imagine how it might play in the States. Perhaps one of your reverse mortgage clients or prospects — or a group of them — would be interested in creating the American version.

Active Aging: the Millennial Meme 

From Reykjavik to Paris, China to Slovenia, active aging is the name of the game in the third millennium.

Professor Teresa Tsien, with the Institute of Active Ageing (IAA) at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, specializes in aging studies and research, career support, lifelong learning and active aging. Active Aging is especially relevant in Hong Kong, which ranks first in global life expectancy at birth for both men and women: 81 years for men, 87 for women.

Sometimes, participation is not so much a function of available opportunities as perception, observes Tsien. Men, who are often reluctant to participate at senior centers, are willing to attend an IAA sponsored University “club” because it’s a different setting, and they can engage in education, volunteering, and job retraining and matching, she explains. They find these roles — especially that of research interviewer — highly meaningful. She says proudly, “There is a waiting list for seniors who want to do this job.”

Ana Krajnc, Professor of Andragogy at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, has taught at leading universities worldwide. A tireless researcher in andragogy who writes prolifically on the subject, she spreads the motto, “everyone teach one.” This appears to be the key to elder engagement as we step forward into a more inclusive future not segmented by our personal chronology.

The further step: changing the story about aging. We’ll explore this topic in-depth over the next two weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for Raw, Unpasteurized, And Ready to Roll!

Lack of Financial Literacy Challenges HECM Acceptance

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Financial illiteracy challenges acceptance of a counter-intuitive mortgagereverse mortgage news

If there is one subject that cries for remedial instruction it’s financial literacy. Fortune.com found that nearly two thirds of Americans are in effect financially illiterate, unable to grasp basic financial concepts. As the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage has become increasingly complex in recent years, the knowledge gap has widened.

Before attempting to explain how a reverse mortgage works, we should perhaps conduct a quick assessment of the prospective borrower’s grasp of financial concepts. After all, who would want to jump from algebra straight to trigonometry? In reality, filling the role of a financial counselor is often impractical, nevertheless we should be mindful of many homeowner’s ability to absorb the information we are presenting.

Consider one question: if you take out a $1,000 loan that has a 20% interest rate, how much will you owe in one year in interest? Nearly two thirds could not answer correctly. The overall rate of American financial literacy findings come from the National Capacity Study by the FINRA Foundation.The very nature of reverse mortgages is counter-intuitive to the mortgages most have known and paid for most of their working years. That familiarity is fraught with myths and misconceptions. Take for example ….

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A Four Day Work Week?


Steps for a 4-Day Work Week or 1 Day of Sanity!

reverse mortgage newsWould you like a four day workweek? While this may not be possible for many wouldn’t it be nice to have Friday’s as your day to catch up, strategize, and plan for the following week?

Planning has its benefits, yet the demands of our daily work life often usurp our best laid plans. Perhaps if we better structure not the work that we do, but how we do it we could free up one day in the interest of our continued sanity and productivity.

1. Start with the important stuff…first!

Begin your workday with the most important tasks. Truth be told we are creatures that run on cycles of energy and focus, what some refer to as ultradian rhythms. These are the 90-120 minutes brain cycles when our minds are most energized and efficient. If you’re ‘not in the mood’, it may be because you’re out of rhythm.

2. Break it up…into pieces

Do you have a big gnarly project or task? Reduce the fear factor by breaking it into pieces. You can assign these smaller tasks as time blocks to your calendar naming each event for…

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Expired Listings?


How expired listings can become a source of revenue..

reverse mortgage newsExpired real estate listings could hold opportunity…for new reverse mortgage prospects. Here’s how…

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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Planning -Or Procrastinating?

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Recently, a HECM client contacted ReverseFocus.com with a crucial question: is his new wife covered under HUD’s Non-Borrowing Spouse (NBS) provision if he passes away first? He’d saved this blog post that touched on the topic, explaining he hadn’t called sooner because he was trying to find someone local who could answer the inquiry knowledgeably. Finally, at wit’s end, he got in touch with Reverse Focus.

This scenario points up the importance of planning ahead.

Procrastinate at your own risk

Procrastination is rampant within families when it comes to planning for long-term care and the distribution of assets at death, says elder law attorney Bill Fralin, principal of ChronicCareAdvocacy.com, a customized program that combines legal representation, asset protection, care coordination, and advocacy for seniors. In addition to feeling overwhelming, this kind of planning is emotionally difficult. But failing to plan can take a far greater toll, something the HECM holder described above recognized and wanted to rectify while there was time.

From planning for long-term care to estate planning to planning for business and life transition, it’s important to face the future without fear — or rather, as the popular expression goes, to feel the fear and do it anyway. With groundbreaking books such as Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? and Death Cafes, where people gather to discuss the inevitable over dinner, we’ve entered a time when acknowledging our mortality is more acceptable than ever before — even if nobody looks forward to the event.

Simple cases rarely are

Just as most of us hope to pass peacefully in our sleep, people hope their end of life will be easy for their families to manage, even if they fail to plan. Unfortunately, neither situation is typical, notes Fralin. “The more likely reality is that you and/or your spouse will suffer a period of medical need prior to your death, requiring long-term care and possibly resulting in a period of incapacity. Failing to plan for this reality can be very expensive.

“By not having advance medical directives and durable powers of attorney in place, any period of incapacity would result in the need for your family members to go to court to obtain guardianship over your person and conservatorship over your finances. In addition to being time-consuming, the cost of the proceeding can easily run into thousands of dollars.

“Another cost of procrastination is that the cost of long-term care insurance goes up as you age — the sweet spot is your early to mid- sixties. Medicare only offers temporary assistance with rehabilitative and skilled nursing care, and is not likely to be a reasonable resource for long-term care needs. Therefore, for many middle-class Americans, Medicaid has become the primary source for payment of long-term care needs. What, then, are the costs of procrastination in planning for long-term care?” 

Why worry? It will probably never happen

While Fralin’s counsel can create a frisson of foreboding, as anyone who’s lived awhile knows, the future is a great unknown, and worry (which tends to create procrastination) just wastes time and energy. According to a Cornell University survey, a primary regret of older people’s lives was spending so much time worrying. James Huang, 87, shared, “I ask myself, What possible difference did it make that I kept my mind on every little thing that might go wrong? When I realized that it made no difference at all, I experienced a freedom that’s hard to describe. My life lesson is this: Turn yourself from frittering away the day worrying about what comes next and let everything else that you love and enjoy move in.”

Ironically, worry itself can lead to long-term health consequences, such as cardiovascular disease.

So encourage your reverse mortgage prospects and clients to plan ahead, and to allow the future to unfold as it will. Planning rather than procrastinating means they’ll have one less item to worry about, freeing up enormous emotional energy for life, love, and anticipation for what’s ahead.

The Sky Is Not Falling with Interest Rate Hikes

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Interest rate hikes are here. How to cope?

reverse mortgageThe Federal Reserve has already increased the benchmark federal funds rate and has telegraphed their intention for additional hikes this year. Do reverse mortgage lenders and borrowers need to worry?

Be careful what you wish for. Monetary policy dictates that as the economy improves, interest rates are adjusted to more normative levels in the efforts to curb inflation and prevent market bubbles triggered by cheap money.

Reverse mortgage borrowers reluctant to pay higher closing costs were often won over with lender pricing concessions. IBIS’s weekly rate updates show the gradual erosion of lender margins, eroding the ability of HECM lenders to reduce origination fees or to cut other costs….
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What People Love to Talk About


The Social Hack for Conversations

Do you want to make a memorable impression, win over a new friend, be someone that people seek out? Learn this one social hack and you will!

Last evening I attended a friends going away party. Arriving at a local eatery I walked into a room of over two dozen well-wishers, two whom I knew. After buying my buddy’s drink and sitting down to enjoy my own I sat downreverse mortgage news surrounded by a table of complete strangers. We shared two things in common, a mutual friend and our shared interest in cycling advocacy. How does one expand their social influence? How can you make a lasting impression when meeting someone?

My seat mate looked familiar from previous political meetings where we had argued for protection of bike trails and transportation planning. After introducing myself I asked the typical questions of ‘what do you do‘ and how did you meet our mutual friend?‘ Our conversation lasted 45 minutes and a new friend was made.

Rule #1: People love to talk about themselves

You know everything about yourself already, right? Of course. Ask them about their interests, what they are passionate about, or their favorite free time activities. Listen closely for details.

Rule #2: Ask follow up questions

In this situation my new acquaintance is a teacher at…

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