Initial Impact & Slow Turnaround

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Taking the long view despite short term impact of Assessment

reverse mortgage news

The reverse mortgage industry is relatively small compared to the traditional lending marketplace yet the recent financial assessment has changed our collective world.

It comes as no surprise that the financial assessment is a game-changer for the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program. We saw a rush of applications prior to the April 27th deadline and the subsequent trailing endorsement volume reflected a push by lenders and borrowers to forgo the requirements of the assessment. Now that the pre-assessment rush is behind us we can begin to measure the true impact of the new financial guidelines as reflected in the recent top 100 HECM lenders report from Reverse Market Insight…


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Attitude is Everything

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Is the window through which you view the world muddy?

Several years ago I was wrestling to cope with life’s challenges. I was struggling to keep my attitude straight having just begun my career in the financial services industry. Seeking help I came across a book reverse mortgage newsthat changed my life, perspective and outlook. Little did I know I would need these tools a few short years later.

The book “Attitude is Everything” by Jeff Keller provided practical ways in which I could change the filter through which I viewed life; a good thing since I was and remain powerless to control my circumstances. Keller begins with this quote by William James, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind”.

As reverse mortgage professionals our attitude, or filter through which we view the world, is more important than ever before in the wake of numerous industry changes, regulator challenges and the financial assessment. How important is one’s attitude and it’s impact on those around them? Extremely. I have witnessed otherwise talented sales teams implode due to…


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Now What? New Retirement Part 1

The New Retirement (Part 1): Now What? A Resource Guide


reverse mortgage newsBoomer retirees are nothing like their predecessors. Not only are today’s retirees looking at possibly decades of life ahead, they still have much to contribute, as one LO noted in response to last month’s post about knowing when it’s best to relinquish the reins.

He wrote, “I would appreciate additional sources for my personal direction at this point in my life. At age 68 I am looking at retirement (with one eye only) but want to stay active and perhaps be of service to others. Can you recommend books, etc.?”

Following are some of the best “new retirement” books and websites we’ve found, curated for easy sharing with your reverse mortgage clients, prospects, friends, and among yourselves:

  • The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife. Author Marc Freedman is an “encore careers” expert who defines what this “Third Age” looks like. His website,, contains a number of Resources for Encore Seekers who want to use their next act for greater good.
  • is a second careers network focused on helping people in midlife and beyond fuse productivity and purpose to create meaningful later life work for social causes.
  • Life Planning Network (LPN) is a community of professionals and organizations from diverse disciplines dedicated to helping people 50+ navigate the next phase of their lives. LPN has a network of nationwide chapters and consultants to help people identify and move toward their goals in the second half. They’ve also published a guidebook, Live Smart After 50!
  • The Transition Network (TTN) is a national member organization for “women 50 and forward” who are in transition. A unique TTN service, The Caring Collaborative, provides members with hands-on support when circumstances require it, such as a broken leg or temporary illness. The program offers a variety of services chapters can adopt depending on their needs.
  • The Center for Conscious Eldering, which we highlighted in detail in this post, can guide you or your reverse mortgage clients and prospects on their inner journey. For many, addressing deep questions about meaning and purpose becomes important later in life, especially if they haven’t explored these subjects earlier.
  • Vital Aging Network is a non-profit whose mission is to promote self-determination, civic engagement, and personal growth for people as they age, through education, leadership development, and opportunities for connection.
  • Sixty&Me is a site by, for and about woman 60+, focusing on life and career reinvention, retirement, travel, health, money, friendships and more. Upbeat and chockfull of useful information in a digital magazine format.
  • Suddenly Solo, started by a sociologist in his eighties, is “A lifestyle road map for the mature widowed or divorced man.” They’ve published a book with the same title. The site focuses on solo living for older men who may be living alone for the first time, and includes advice on dating and relationships, health and fitness, finances, and more.
  • Leading Age is a non-profit consortium of 6,000+ organizations representing the entire field of aging services, including 39 state partners and hundreds of businesses, consumer groups, and foundations. The site provides portals for aging services technologies, applied research, housing services and advocacy, and offers a plethora of opportunities to get involved.
  • Retirement Café’s Fun Things to Do When You Retire. While Ernie Zelinki’s site is basically a promotional vehicle for his book, How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, it’s also informative, and focused on loving your life as a retiree.

In addition to this list, many retirement websites are location-specific, so you may want to search for retirement support resources in your area. There are hundreds of sites to guide you, your clients, and friends on their evolving journey. If you find the above list useful, please let us know and we can develop a follow-up post.


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What’s Stopping Them?

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Academic study links consumer knowledge to HECM demand

Misinformation, fear, a biased media? Are these the factors stopping older homeowners from utilizing a reverse mortgage?

reverse mortgage newsA recent report entitled “Reverse Mortgages: What Homeowners Know and How it Matters” states that knowledge of the HECM product is strongly associated with consumer demand. Today the knowledge of reverse mortgages in the general public is fairly low. The report is co-authored by Dr. Thomas Davidoff, associate professor for the Strategy & Business Economics Division at the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business. Davidoff focused on the level of financial literacy amongst homeowners 58 and older and how their knowledge of the reverse mortgage influences the overall demand for the product.

Surprisingly 97% of survey respondents have heard about reverse mortgages with only 2% having any practical experience with the loan…


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How to Write Emails that Get a Response

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Tips to Increase Email Effectiveness with Reverse Mortgage Prospects

reverse mortgage newsWhether you are working in a call center or you sit kneecap to kneecap at the kitchen table email has become an increasingly popular way to engage your prospects in the early stages of the sales process. The question is how do you get the recipient to take the next action step, say return your call?

Our source of leads for potential HECM borrowers varies widely yet some leads offer us another avenue to communicate quickly and efficiently: email. The wide adoption of CRMs or Customer Relationship Managers has given many loan originators the ability to engage the homeowner by email. In fact as the average age of a reverse mortgage borrower trends lower more prospects will have and use an email account.

Here are some tips to increase your effectiveness when communicating by email with your potential borrowers:

1. Engage early and first. If you are receiving internet leads which almost always have an email address for the prospect send them an immediately with an email introducing yourself letting them know…


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In Their Best Interest

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Reexamining HECM Fund Distributions & Loan Recommendations

reverse mortgage newsToday’s interest rates are at historic lows providing reverse mortgage borrowers with extraordinarily low rates. The borrower has a small mortgage balance to pay off. Should they secure this rate with a fixed rate HECM to take advantage of such an opportunity?

To begin with I hope our viewer’s collective answer is “no”. To chase after low interest rates while maximizing the initial draw or disbursement is akin to asking the borrower to walk over a dollar to pick up a dime. Such a scenario reinforces the need for HECM professionals to exercise the highest level of care when it comes to structuring a borrower’s initial disbursements.

Fixed Rate HECM. The fixed rate reverse mortgage was extremely popular until HUD revamped their product lineup in mid 2013. Without disbursement limits in place Standard Fixed Rate HECMs accounted for 70% of all loans originated at the time the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau drafted their report to Congress in June of 2012. The CFPB argued these loans placed more risk on FHA for potential defaults as the loan balances grew more quickly than their adjustable rate counterparts.

What about today’s fixed rate HECM? The fixed rate is now subject to HUD’s first year distribution limits and is…

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What About the Weekends?

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How we manage our weekends impacts our work week

reverse mortgage newsWeekends. Those two precious days of the week we cherish for rest and relaxation. A few questions come to mind when I ponder weekends. Am I making the best of my time? Are my weekend activities hindering my workweek progress? This week we will examine both and look for insight on how successful individuals spend their weekends.

Am I making the best of my time?

Set the alarm. The temptation to completely detach from being a task-oriented person is strong on the weekend but is it the best approach? If we don’t manage our sleep during the weekend we may simply sleep in on Saturday or Sunday. Getting a few extra hours of sleep is a worthy goal but try instead to set your alarm one hour later for weekend mornings

Are My Activities Hurting the Work Week?

One of the consequences of not wisely using our time on the weekends is that tasks and errands get pushed into our work week robbing our productivity. Try bunching personal errands and tasks for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday. By doing so you will not be tempted to take time off or leave early during the workday to complete these tasks…


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Later Life Love- Sweet & Poignant

Love among the silver set. Once, people might have snickered or referred to later life romance obliquely. Today it’s increasingly common among those in their sixties, seventies, eighties, and yes, even nineties, as Eve Pell’s affirming exploration, Love, Again makes clear.

reverse mortgage newsIn her new book, which is part memoir, part journey to the final frontier of romance, widows, widowers, the divorced and the never married open up about what it’s like to share their hearts and lives in the looming shadow of mortality. Where older couples will end up living is a significant consideration, especially if each has been happily ensconced in their current home or area for decades.

In the case of Eve and her new love, Sam, they wrestled with choosing between his San Francisco house, which bore the imprint of a half century of happy marriage, and her cottage across the Golden Gate Bridge, rather small for two and not designed to meet evolving elder needs. They rented a temporary home midway between their locations while they searched for the perfect house to purchase. But nothing seemed to suit. In the end, since Eve’s cottage was on a prime piece of real estate, near running trails the pair of track enthusiasts loved, they opted to sell Sam’s house and remodel hers to their specifications. “The whole process took two years, one of deciding and planning, one of construction,” Pell writes. They married and moved in when Pell was 72 and Sam, 82.

Not your typical newlyweds.

Bridging the Distance

For Howard and George, 72 and 68, respectively, the problem was one of distance and the complexities of home ownership. Howard owns a home in Maine and feels settled there; George put his West Virginia home on the market and rented an apartment in New Orleans, where he grew up and still has close ties. But Louisiana is a far cry from New England. While both men are thrilled to be in what they say is the first genuine love relationship of their lives, their time together is fragmented by geography and other commitments. They are exploring ways to balance time with their communities, time alone, and time together.

In contrast to Eve and Sam, and Howard and George, some couples plunge into later life love headfirst. When João and Vilma reconnected after forty years of searching, Vilma agreed to move to New York and marry João just hours after they were reunited, and promptly followed through.

How a HECM Helps

While the subject of reverse mortgage did not come up in the book, it’s important to mention in the context of new senior relationships. HUD’s Non-borrowing Spouse (NBS) provision only applies to a surviving spouse or domestic partner who remains in the home after the death of their spouse, if they were married or engaged in a committed relationship at the time their now deceased spouse took out the loan.

So be on the lookout for elder prospects or clients who may be looking for later life love. There is no upper age limit. One of the sweetest stories in Love, Again is that of Jack and Sherrie, whose relationship was orchestrated by their daughters, lifelong friends. A widower and widow, respectively, the two married when Jack was 95 and Sherrie, 88. With love, anything is possible!


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Interest Rate Cliffhanger

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The Potential Impacts When the Fed Raises Interest Rates

Federal Reserve Fair Open Market Committee meeting
Federal Reserve Fair Open Market Committee meeting

It’s been a cliffhanger of sorts. The U.S. economy appears to be recovering yet their are fundamental issues that are not resolved. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2009 interest rates have been held at historic lows. Good news for reverse mortgage borrowers and lenders alike.

For several months the word on the street has been that the Federal Reserve would be increasing short term interest rates. Last Thursday the Fed announced postponing any rate increases until later this year, perhaps waiting for improvements in the labor market.  Until then the question is what would the impact be for the federally-insured reverse mortgage?

Jerry Wagner of Ibis Software said “Short-term rate hikes of 0.5% or 1% will have little effect. Long term rate hikes have a big effect as Principal Limit factors will be smaller.” Today Home Equity Conversion Mortgage interest rates are keyed to the…


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The Secret Lives of the Highly Organized

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Secrets of the Highly Organized Revealed

The highly organized. Love or hate them they have figured out how to manage the three ring circus of chaos that we call life. Were they the kid in class who always raised their hand having the answer? Perhaps but not all. Many highlyorganized individuals were not always that way. In fact most have developed their organizational skills over several years.

Highly organized professionals rarely preach their methods to others unless they are a productivity coach. But if you closely watch a colleague with such a skill set you will find many of these traits:

1. They address the mundane. Going through a stack of email or clearing your email’s inbox are not glamorous tasks. The highly organized understand such tasks are important as they clear the way for more important endeavors


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