Procrastination Works!

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5 Keys to Successful Procrastination

reverse mortgage newsProcrastination. It is the one thing we are admonished to avoid at all costs in our professional and personal lives. Oddly a certain level of procrastination leads to increased productivity.

Quite frankly there are several things which we should procrastinate doing. Some productivity gurus refer to this as the tyranny of the urgent. In other words the task that drops right in front of you can tempt you to spin your wheels avoiding the important tasks of the day. .

Here are just a few ways for you to successfully procrastinate for greater productivity and personal satisfaction.

1- Social Media. While social media can be useful for making professional and personal connections it is also a major distraction. Rather than checking your Facebook status updates or LinkedIn feed every time your phone beeps schedule regular times each day to consume social media. Turning off audible notifications on…

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Live Long & Prosper: Part 2

A Good Life Until the Very End

Old age is not a disease, though modern medicine has been treating it as one, argues Harvard Medical school professor and surgeon Atul Gawande in his compelling new book, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End.

“You don’t have to spend much time with the elderly or those with terminal illness to see how often medicine fails the people it is supposed to help,” he writes. “The waning days of our lives are given over to treatments thatreverse mortgage news addle our brains and sap our bodies for a sliver’s chance of benefit. They are spent in institutions — nursing homes and intensive care units — where regimented, anonymous routines cut us off from all the things that matter to us in life. Our reluctance to honestly examine the experience of aging and dying has increased the harm we inflict on people and denied them the basic comforts they most need. Lacking a coherent view of how people might live successfully all the way to the very end, we have allowed our fates to be controlled by the imperatives of medicine, technology, and strangers.”

Strong language from a medical professional. And useful information for reverse mortgage experts, or for anyone who serves people in the Third Age.

Once upon a time not that long ago, Gawande explains, life went along at a relatively even keel until something happened and the bottom dropped out, like a trap door opening. One minute you were healthy, the next you were felled by an illness or accident, and usually died shortly thereafter.

Assisted Living Was Designed to be Different!

Today, we’re often able to stave off even severe health conditions such as cancer or heart disease for quite a while, so while the downslope levels off after each drop, patients rarely return to their original degree of health and well being. That’s one main reason assisted living facilities have exploded in popularity — though they were never intended to be an intermediary step on the road to nursing homes, says Gawande, but an alternative that would eliminate the need for nursing homes. Although it may seem like assisted living has been around a long time, Keren Brown Wilson only originated the concept in 1983 with Park Place in Portland, Oregon, which she called a “living center with assistance.”

Wilson’s design did not resemble what we now term “assisted living”, however. Her pilot project was a 112-unit apartment building where tenants (not “patients”) had their own units with doors they could lock, their own kitchens, bathrooms, furniture, even pets. The only differences from a regular apartment complex were an onsite nurse, call buttons in each unit for emergencies, and help with all the basics: food, personal care, medication.

Widely attacked as dangerous, the assisted living experiment proved to be an unqualified success: five years after move-in, the residents of Park Place had maintained their health status (physical and cognitive functioning actually improved), life satisfaction had increased, depression had declined — and the government-subsidized cost was 20 percent lower than it would have been in a nursing home. Clearly, independence with support enables older adults, even those with serious disabilities, to enjoy quality of life right to the very end — which is why aging in place, within community, is an ideal model — and why a HECM can be one key to creating and maintaining a rewarding senior lifestyle.

Paying Attention Pays Off in Improved Health

One of the biggest keys to successful aging is simply being able to talk about their lives with someone who actively listens and cares, says Gawande: in one study, patients who saw a geriatrician for eighteen months versus a general practitioner were “a quarter less likely to become disabled and half as likely to develop depression. They were 40 percent less likely to require home health services.” These are stunning results.

He writes, “We’ve been wrong about what our job is in medicine. We think [it] is to ensure health and survival. But really it…is to enable well-being. And well-being is about the reasons one wishes to be alive. Those reasons matter not just at the end of life, or when debility comes, but all along the way.”

Thus, the importance of having what Gawande calls “hard conversations” at life’s bifurcation points cannot be overstated. “People die only once. They have no experience to draw on. They need doctors and nurses who are willing to say what they have seen, who will help prepare for what is to come — and escape a warehoused oblivion that few really want…If end-of-life discussions were an experimental drug, the FDA would approve it.”

Wherever you meet them on their life journey, encouraging seniors to talk about their lives and what matters most to them is a positive, crucial step.
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Where Do We Go from Here?

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RMD Interviews NRMLA president Peter Bell on Industry Outlook and change 

If you want an example of rapid industry change look no further than the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program.


Recently Reverse Mortgage Daily interviewed Peter Bell, president of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association or NRMLA seeking insight on the recent spate of changes to the HECM program and our industry’sfuture.

First RMD asked- given the Financial Assessment is underway and the non-borrowing spouse issue seems to be getting resolved, how would you classify the footing of the Reverse Mortgage program right now relative to other points in history?

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The Art of Happiness

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7 Steps to Finding & Keeping Happiness

reverse mortgage newsHappiness. It can be elusive at times especially during times of upheaval and industry change. Being a person who can tend to overthink the why, happiness can become the casualty of our internal thought life. Our internal thought life is key as I was reminded this week reading the short booklet I keep on my desk entitled “As a Man Thinketh”. One passage that particularly jumped out was “Circumstances does not make the man; it reveals him to himself”.

Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I found from my recent reading that I want to share with you.

1- Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t believe everything you hear, even that voice in your head. The next time a negative thought enters your mind stop, capture and challenge it. Is it real? Is it likely to happen? Also don’t judge yourself harshly for negative thought but rather hold yourself accountable for what you do with them.

2- Create boundaries. Technology is great but it can also become an electronic dog leash…

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Where Have the Jumbos Gone?

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Where Are the Jumbo Reverse Mortgages

The time is ripe for jumbo reverse mortgages but where are they?

reverse mortgage newsThe Home Equity Conversion Mortgage market has weathered the storms of the housing crash and numerous product changes yet the emergence of a strong jumbo loan market has yet to appear.

A recent article in Reverse Mortgage Daily by columnist Jason Oliva says despite the talk of jumbo products returning they are nearly absent despite a substantial need. First let’s define what a jumbo loan is. A jumbo loan is a mortage with a loan amount which exceeds the loan limits established by federal lending agencies which are privately guaranteed. Today there is only one jumbo reverse mortgage loan product in the marketplace, the…

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The Angst of Caring

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Loan Officers Torn Between Borrower Need & Product Restrictions

reverse mortgage newsAfter reconnecting with a friend who had reentered the reverse mortgage space after a year and a half absence I told my wife “you know what I love about the folks I work with? They are mission-driven”.

Most of the reverse mortgage professionals like those of you watching are mission-driven individuals. Certainly we want to succeed, make a good living and a healthy income but never at the expense of our mission to help older homeowners have a more comfortable and secure retirement. Being mission driven does have it’s downside: the angst of caring. Beyond the challenges of overlapping regulations, numerous product changes and the financial assessment is the frustration encountered when we simply cannot help those who don’t qualify.

I can recall hundreds times sitting in the kitchens of…


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‘Unwinding’ a Reverse Mortgage: Heirs Need Assistance

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Bankrate Article Highlights Challenges of Heirs Settling Reverse Mortgages

helping-adult-childrenIt’s no secret. Many of our past borrowers will pass away during our tenure as reverse mortgage professionals. Knowing this shouldn’t we prepare our borrowers and heirs on how to unwind the reverse mortgage?

A recent article in BankRate entitle “Here’s what happens to their reverse mortgage after your parents die” spells out the challenges and process. Columnist Marcie Gaffer writes “As more seniors turn to reverse mortgages, their adult children might well be puzzled or concerned about what will happen to that debt when one or both of their parents eventually dies. At that time, question about how to pay off the loan will need to be resolved–and relatively quickly.”

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