The Future of Aging Well

There is the matter of how societal expectations affect where older adults live, which makes the changing senior living landscape a bright field for the reverse mortgage industry. As we’re exploring, the desire to age in place is expanding into ever more creative ways to age in community, which may or may not mean moving from one’s lifelong residence to a smaller (or larger) home, a new area, a co-housing community, or a senior living community.

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On the Move — or Not

In 2015, retirees are fully embracing the old fast food commercial to “Have it your way” when it comes to how and where they’re choosing to retire. Many still opt to stay put, and renovate their homes to suit their changing needs. But there’s a twist: they’re not downsizing or remodeling with an eye towards growing older, but often upsizing.

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Transparency Needed for Improvement

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CFPB Not Releasing Ad Data at Core of Recently Released Study

reverse mortgage newsAfter releasing a consumer advisory and the results of focus group findings of reverse mortgage ads that were deemed misleading, ambiguous or difficult to understand to consumers and the media alike, the Bureau is less than forthright in releasing the data. After the release of the report numerous media outlets jumped on yet another negative reverse mortgage study. After all shouldn’t one trust a federal agency such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Yes, if that agency is fair and transparent in its findings.

Unfortunately that does not appear to be the case. In a press call last week industry representatives asked if the Bureau would make the ads used in the study available. The terse reply: they will not. Strange since the Bureau says they are committed to getting input from all parties to make markets more accessible and efficient for consumers. If that is the case then release the ads shown to the focus groups…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

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