Imagine walking into your doctor’s office and he recommended two medications without asking you any questions or giving you a thorough exam? Would you trust them?
Continue readingDifficult Decisions
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HECMs can be financial lifesavers for seniors who want to age in place. But what if an individual or couple’s ability to age in place changes over time? Children or other significant relatives who live at a distance would be wise to plan ahead in order to help the elders in question remain independent for as long as practical.
This article on long-distance caregiving explains what family members need to know. Reverse mortgage professionals may want to keep such information handy to share with the children of clients and prospects who are participating in their parents’ HECM process, as well as to use as a handout when addressing groups about how a HECM can help seniors age in place.
Some of the key issues include:
- Medication management
- Food shopping and meal preparation
- Transportation
- Household safety and household management
One of the benefits of aging in place is mobility: being able to frequent the places one is accustomed to, such as bookstores, cafés, theatres, etc., whether a senior gets there by car, bus, bicycle or on foot. An increasing number of towns across America offer affordable senior transport such as Paratransit, a flexible shared transportation option that typically uses minibuses to take seniors and people with disabilities where they need to go. There are also transport services specifically for medical appointments.
The greater problem may be not the availability of such services, but persuading older adults — especially men — to use it.
Driving can be a thorny issue for families, as handing over the car keys signals “the end of independence” to many elders. Men who have managed businesses as well as been heads of household may insist they’re fine, even as slowed reaction times and visual or hearing impairments make continuing to drive dangerous — not necessarily because the senior isn’t being cautious, but because they may not be able to respond quickly enough to other drivers’ errors, or to an unexpected event such as a child darting into the street.
This page offers a wealth of information on aging and driving. The gentleman who curated the content reports that when he surrendered his car keys — even though he chose to do so due to failing eyesight — it was “a devastating experience. To live outside the security of a private bubble with a steering wheel put me in alien territory.”
Contrast this perspective with that of an 86-year-old woman who recently moved into a spacious senior apartment that she adores: “Mondays through Fridays, hourly from 9 am to 4 pm I can ride the Macon County Transit with a $25 monthly pass, permitting me to shop for groceries or whatever I need along a fixed route that includes Kmart, Walmart, library and also trips along the way by request. This solves the problem of being without a car. Perhaps the reality is that even should I feel it is something I could afford, at my age — with slowed reactions, hearing deficiencies and readily distracted — I would simply be a road hazard and danger to others.”
Winston Churchill said, “We are shaping the world faster than we can change ourselves, and we are applying to the present the habits of the past.” The more we can flow with the rapidly evolving options for seniors that both a reverse mortgage and senior support services can provide, the greater the opportunity today’s and tomorrow’s elders will enjoy to age in place with purpose, participation and joy.
The Road Ahead: Preparing for 2014
Now that the dust has settled what does the road ahead hold for us and how can we best prepare?
Continue readingDo What?!
7 Not So Secret Tips for Success…
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By now most of you are familiar with the new HECM product, first year distribution limits, upfront MIP charges, etc. The question is on a broader level what can you do each day in position yourself and your reverse mortgage business for success in the coming year? Here are just a few things to consider. #1- Know your priorities. You will never be able to do all things. That’s frustrating for you Type A personalities out there but honestly, it’s impossible. To avoid frustration and burn out write out your priorities. For most of us it’s prospecting and outbound calls. Time block each day of the week when you will be making sales calls and PROTECT that time from any other demands. #2- Focus. Multitasking is a sure way to do several things half-good. It’s also a more productive form of procrastination…
Face the Music
With the reverse mortgage industry re-tuning in a major key, it’s helpful to make the most of every opportunity to connect, communicate and collaborate for enhanced business success in 2014 and beyond.
Continue readingThe Three Horsemen of the Retirement Apocalypse
The Three Horsemen of the Retirement Apocalypse. It’s no secret. The retirement system in America is broken.
Continue readingProtecting Your Greatest Asset
Protecting Our Greatest Personal Resource
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Protecting your greatest asset. Our greatest assets are not our bank balance, the home we live in or the car we drive. It’s our attitude and outlook. Our attitude determines our achievements, relationships and success. Our attitude can make living the life we want easier or more difficult. I’m sure you will choose easier. As you know these are not the easiest times for the reverse mortgage industry. With that in mind here are some practical ways you can build and protect your greatest asset….your attitude. #1-….
Elder Wisdom: What A Tale Their Thoughts Could Tell
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Gordon Lightfoot (whose signature lyrics from If You Could Read My Mind are reflected in the post title) turns 75 this November, and Bob Dylan has said that when he listens to a Lightfoot song, he “wishes it would never end.” That’s pretty high praise from a fellow septuagenarian maestro. Perhaps this is because seasoned songwriters instinctively weave life’s essence and lessons into a succinct truth that resonates to the marrow with those who listen, and thus appeals across the decades to both original fans as they age, and to a new audience.
The same might be said of elders. There’s so much wisdom to be gleaned from older team members. Consider this recent ad on, headlined, “Looking for a 72-year-old writer”:
“I’m looking for a few good writers between the ages of 70 and 74. Seeking contributions from geographical locations all over the United States from persons who were in high school during 1959. For details about my project please go to It is okay if someone younger writes a contribution that was obtained orally from a member of the high school class of 1959.”
What a lovely tribute to what has been labeled, “The Silent Generation.”
“It is not how old you are, but how you are old,” said Academy Award-winning actress Marie Dressler. We’re moving from a model that focuses on disease, disability and death to one of “passion, purpose, and participation,” which happens to be the tagline of COPA (Collaborative on Positive Aging), a new volunteer division of the Council on Aging in one California community.
At the initial COPA gathering, much of the guiding wisdom for how future meetings might be organized was provided by people in their 70s and 80s, such as: “To remain vital, we need a mix of social/learning/leisure/contribution.” How perfect a reminder to anyone who serves seniors — reverse mortgage professionals obviously included — that as people age they become not a group apart, but more of who they’ve been, with a blend of needs and desires to enrich and fulfill these later years.
Consider the Sun City Poms, Arizona cheerleaders whose minimum age requirement is 55, along with the requisite “dance skills of rhythm, agility, poise, energy, and showmanship for performing. Acrobatics and baton twirling are a plus.” Wow! These women are weaving their social, leisure, learning and contributing into a bountiful blessing for everyone.
In his brilliant essay on conscious aging, Rabon Delmore Saip, a presenter at the COPA meeting, quotes developmental psychologist Paul Baltes: “One of the great challenges of the 21st century will be to complete the architecture of the human life course.”
The seniors reverse mortgage professionals serve today are playing a vital role in constructing the future of humanity, as they (and we) reinvent what it means, and what it “looks like”, to be “old”.
Market Downside = Opportunity
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Opportunities are Created in a Down Market
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It’s been a double hit for many. First the elimination of the popular federally-insured Standard fixed rate product in April and this month…the elimination of all existing products for one with first year restrictions on distributions. It’s a new age in reverse mortgage lending. One where competition is down and opportunity is up for those who adjust to the new product environment. The immediate impact of product eliminations is being felt as endorsements were down 16% after the April 1st elimination of the Standard Fixed Rate. What will our numbers look like three months from now for loans closed post October 1?
Those impacted the most in the wake of the Standard Fixed Rate elimination are those whose business model was heavily vested in fixed rate loans. Those with more a more diverse source of loans faired better…
42 Applications in September?
How Reverse Focus’ Sales Engine Helped Make it Possible
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Steve Eastman is a successful and well known reverse mortgage originator in Maine working with Security One Lending. Like most anticipating the changes to the HECM Product he made it a priority to reach out to those who may have expressed interest in a reverse mortgage but had not moved forward…yet. Using Sales Engine (CRM) he was able to mine his past leads and generate 42 applications in the month of September.