The new HECM program may be more attractive to affluent senior home owners working with a financial advisor.
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You can begin successfully motivating others with these 7 strategies. Motivation is not manipulation but helping others achieve their goals…
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Reverse Mortgages Helping Seniors Maintain Their Vitality
Ellie Drake, a physician and the founder of suggests older adults “Forget your age, be the sage!” She’s been meeting many women in their 50s, 60s and beyond who tell her they’re about to burst with an idea that is aching to be born through them, and Drake acknowledges the time has never been more ripe: seniors have gained “the experience and life lessons they require for the magnitude of their vision to come through.”
And a reverse mortgage may be precisely the vehicle to support the birth of this later life vision. Our sixties, seventies, even eighties and beyond are no longer a time to “retire and wait to die”; they are years of vibrant possibility.

For example: suppose a senior would like to age in place, yet lacks the social support that would make this option viable. One innovative solution might be sharing their home with a student or other young adult who can offer companionship, in addition to fulfilling some basic needs such as assistance with grocery shopping, cleaning or gardening. If the home requires modifications in order for the senior to remain there in safety and comfort, a reverse mortgage can help provide an income stream to enable these changes — as well as allow a companion to live there as a friend who helps enrich the senior’s life, rather than just a paying tenant.
Enrichment can also take the form of work or community contributions that add meaning and purpose to later life. While the majority of older people in good health don’t want to return to the workplace on a full time basis, they are often reluctant to give up the social interaction — and many would also like to put a lifetime of experience and knowledge to good use.
With these thoughts in mind, two avid fishermen put their heads and skills together and approached a sporting goods store manager, suggesting he hire the pair for one full time job, which they shared. The store personnel enjoyed having the elders there — and the fishermen already knew about all the equipment and the best fishing spots. Customers loved them, sales rose, and everyone was happy.
Creativity in all its forms is a key component to successful aging. Charlotte, a self-described “shrinking violet,” confronted her social fears following retirement in her mid-sixties and joined a community theatre. By her early seventies she was acting and singing publicly. Robert, 88, a retired government lawyer, tried his hand at photography and wound up producing an international photo series, traveling from Alaska to Tahiti.
Then there is, a virtual “Dear Abby” for the mature years: more than 600 advisors aged 60-105 offers free online guidance to anyone who writes to them.
Whatever a senior’s aspirations and expectations, a reverse mortgage can serve as an essential resource to help them remain as vital as possible, perhaps enabling them to tap an inner wellspring that has been ripening for decades, awaiting its full-blown expression later in life. As noted in a recent blog post on elder wisdom, it’s not how old you are, but how you are old, that matters most.
A Bigger Pie – Expanding Our Marketshare
Larger Market = More Qualified & Interested Borrowers
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It’s a marketshare problem. As an industry we have been negatively impacted by falling home values, cuts in lending ratios or principal limits, elimination of products and borrower qualification guidelines. In 2009 over 114,000 reverse mortgages were endorsed versus only 54,000 in 2012. Consequently we can easily point to any of these factors as the leading cause of our lack industry volume. But are we not seeing the forest through the trees? One well-respected industry leader told me “I don’t want a bigger piece of the pie but a bigger pie itself”. Otto Cushman, CEO of Liberty Home Equity Solutions was quoted in Reverse Review’s article entitled “Extreme Summit” saying “ Less than 1% penetration, We are failing”. He backs his assertion comparing 50,000 endorsed loans in 2013 to 200,000,000 [correction made from 200,000] qualified senior households with sufficient equity equally a paltry one quarter precent of available marketshare. It’s boils down to the law of numbers. The same principle that motivates us to look at how many leads it takes to generate X amount of loans per month should be our approach to marketshare. More positively interested potential borrowers equals more loans. So where do we beign?
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Continue readingBailout & Recovery: FHA moves forward
If you ever wonder why FHA made changes to the HECM program here’s something to consider…
Continue readingOctober Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report
Download your October Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.
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The government shutdown during the first half of October will impact the endorsements on this month’s report. Endorsements will lag until FHA can clear the backlog due to the shutdown.
A Little Respect?
Want more respect? 12 ways you can increase respect from others
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The iconic comedian Rodney Dangerfield said “I don’t get no respect”. Respect. It must be earned with our colleagues, borrowers, friends and family members. Respect must be present to effectively influence others, especially potential reverse mortgage borrowers. Here are a few quick ways you can earn, increase and maintain respect in your relationships. 1. Initiate. Don’t always wait for others to act first. Experiment with being the first to take action or solve the problem yourself. 2. Keep your promises. Politicians have little public respect due to their reputation of making promises they never keep. Only promise that what you can deliver. 3. Stop apologizing. Only apologize with good cause. Make your “I’m sorries” count with others…
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A New Breed of Reverse Mortgage Originator
The truth is this. Today’s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage will require a new breed of originators. To succeed, loan officers will need to become conversant with financial fact finding, requesting personal tax and financial documents and tracking the nuances required by the upcoming Financial Assessment.
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NRMLA has asked for both changes & clarification of the upcoming financial assessment
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