The Rule of Three


Maximizing our time outside of work
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Reverse Business Planning

Efficiency As A Reverse Mortgage Professional

Do you ever ask yourself where did my day go? Or Saying “I am just sooooo busy! Or… how do I get out of the rut I am in and better utilize my day? Many of us do. When it comes down to how we spend our day it boils down to two things: planning and choices. Planning ahead on our calendar for the commitments we have and making choices how we spend our down time.

Here’s how I use the rule of three in my planning. First I get a piece of paper and divide it into three sections. Sleep, Work and Things I Do.

Is this a Silver Lining?

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Borrowers overwhelmingly choosing Standard Adjustable. Why?

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The Reverse Mortgage Program

HUD says the reverse mortgage program is generating positive cash flow. That’s good for the short term but does not erase the future liabilities to the mutual mortgage insurance fund for previous years books of HECM business which is expected to result in claims for property values under the final loan balance and tax and insurance defaults. In it’s recent quarterly report to congress, HUD reports that the reverse mortgage program is…


Repairs & Inspections: Fidelity Homestead Associates

Repairs-FHA2Timely repairs paid at closing allowing you to close more loans

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