The reverse mortgage is deceptively simply to the casual observer and even loan professionals. As we know under the surface the product is quite complex.
Continue readingNew Bill Would Grant FHA Authority to Make Changes
The newly introduced “HECM Stabilization Act of 2013”, or Senate Bill 469, would give FHA the Congressional authority to make sweeping changes to the federally-insured reverse mortgage program.
Continue readingWrong-Headed Assumptions
Assumptions are mental shortcuts we take to save us time and energy but they may in fact be hurting our business and personal lives. Many of these assumptions are…
Continue readingThe Must Stay
Reverse Mortgages Must Stay to Meet Demand. With the words of one senator asking why not stop the reverse mortgage program ringing in our collective ears, it is comforting to hear that housing experts see things differently. The Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission…
Continue readingHow to be a Powerful Presenter
Whether you speak before groups, on the phone or at the kitchen table there are some techniques you can use to increase your effectiveness and impact.
Continue readingA Legitimate Need?
A Legitimate Need? That may be what borrowers need to show when requesting a draw from their reverse mortgage. Yes, the suspension of the standard fixed rate HECM will dramatically reduce those choosing to take a lump sum withdrawal
Continue readingInbox Zero: Action-Based Email
Help! My Email Inbox exploded! So are you overwhelmed with emails? Let me guess, they are all parked in your Inbox. Having been there I found it discouraging and stressful to see 500 plus messages crowding my email program’s In Box
Continue readingIn Critical Condition or Stabilizing?
Is the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or federally-insured reverse mortgage in critical condition? One could argue that projected losses of the HECM portion of FHA’s insurance fund are just that…projected and not realized. Whether real or expected FHA is taking strong measures to -quote- fix- the program
Continue readingRedefining HECM
Here’s another definition of H.E.C.M. that is the key to us being successful business people. Hungry, Energetic, Convinced, Masterful. Hungry…hungry for…
Continue readingWhere will the marketing dollars come from?
With the Standard Fixed Rate HECMs no longer available for case numbers issued on or after April 1st…yes April Fool’s day… a prime source of marketing dollars will go away…
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