Which is better to chase- lead sources or leads?
Continue readingHECMs, housing shortages, and foreclosure loopholes.
Are reverse mortgages contributing to regional housing inventory shortages? How the Michigan Tax Tribunal views HECM proceeds and property tax obligations. Philadelphia Councilwoman seeks to close foreclosure loophole. Harlan Accola publishes his latest book.
Continue readingCreating New Habits
Secrets to successfully creating new habits
Habits? Our daily tendency or practices- especially ones that are hard to give up. Truth be told, our lives our shaped by our habits. The habits of what we eat, smoke or don’t smoke, our choice of language, and even our habitual thoughts. One of the best ways we can stop bad habits and create good ones is to track them.
Before you decide to drop or pick up a habit determine three things: what’s my motivation, how often will I do it, and is it achievable?
Motivation. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions then the road to failure to create a new habit is paved with the wrong motivations. I firmly believe that we as human beings only change when we want to. If we try to form new habits for the wrong reasons we will fail. Motivations grounded in a deeply-seated desire are more likely to help you succeed versus what we think we ‘should’ do. Motivation pushes you over the hill when your willpower runs out...
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February Top 100 HECM Lenders Report
Download your February 2018 Top 100 Retail HECM Lenders Report Here.
This Report Does Not Include Broker or TPO Data
This report was compiled from data courtesy of Reverse Market Insight.

We can help in forward or reverse
Norcom Mortgage has both a forward and reverse mortgage divisions…
Continue readingOld Age or Old Sage? What’s Possible With Purpose
Here’s why old age is NOT a shipwreck!
Continue readingTraditional lender and bank reluctance may present opportunity
Beyond generational lending: Bank and lender partnerships
On it’s face the reluctance of mortgage lenders to offer reverse mortgages could be seen as a setback. Recent survey results from the Stratmor Group’s sampling of 120 traditional mortgage lenders reveal only 35% currently offer the HECM. The number one reason given by those not offering the loan was reputation risk followed by distractions from their core business, a lack of internal HECM expertise, and profitability concerns. In light of these findings, HECM professionals could find an opportunity to provide an external solution that meets the needs of the homeowner and assuages the concerns of traditional lenders.
Much attention has been given to the concept of generational lending which provides a variety of situation-specific mortgage products throughout the life of their customer, their children or parents. While this holistic approach to mortgage lending is admirable as it is practical, few lenders offer both traditional and reverse mortgages.
With falling FHA case numbers showing fewer qualified borrowers, and several years of stagnant endorsement volumes, lenders and originators alike are seeking out new ways to attract qualified homeowners. Mindful of this much of the recent conversation has centered on expanding referral partnerships with financial professionals or realtors to leverage the HECM for Purchase. However another opportunity has been largely overlooked, and that opportunity is hiding in plain sight across small towns and large cities…
Download the video transcript here.
When you’re in the hot seat
When you find yourself in the hot seat with a prospective borrower or professional you need a strategy to…
Continue readingThe Secrets of Rockefeller’s Rolodex

What Rockefeller’s Rolodex Reveals…
John shares a lesson from David Rockefeller’s Rolodex. Share in the comments or email John here.
About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here
Reducing Dementia Risk: New Treatment, and A Tried-and-True Remedy
Is Alzheimer’s an infection? What’s the mental equivalent of penicillin that will cure it?
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