Out of Money Due to A Health Emergency?

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“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” Variously attributed to A.J. Reb Materi and the Dalai Lama, these words ring true for those climbing the career ladder. But what happens when someone has diligently saved and invested, and loses it all due to a health crisis?

Sixty-eight-year-old Lynne FitzGerald is a prime example. Still young by today’s “senior” standards, FitzGerald found herself bereft of retirement savings after being diagnosed with stage-four colon cancer twelve years ago. Told she had a year to live, unable to work, and with a mortgage and a child in high school, FitzGerald liquidated her investments.

But she beat the odds, becoming a cancer survivor. Yet more than a decade on, she hasn’t been able to recoup her lost savings.

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Face the Fear — and the Finances

“There is much to be said about tackling financial arrangements for elders, and what they can do to protect their assets and makes things easier upon their deaths or encroaching poor health,” observes one seasoned HECM loan originator, citing our recent post on the family money discussions that do not take place nearly often enough.

He continues, “As a former banker and investment adviser, plus through a lot of personal experience, I have learned much. When I do Reverses, I am able to touch upon this material in relaxed conversation, mixed in with the reverse product presentation. It shows my clients I know what I’m talking about, and that I’m there for them on a personal level. So many seniors are unaware of what they could and should do to protect themselves and their loved ones.”

He recommends ticking the boxes on these six pro-active steps:

  • Beneficiaries: Be sure you have named current beneficiaries on your investment accounts, life insurance policies, IRAs and 401K accounts.
  • Set up POD (pay on death) on your bank accounts, or create a separate checking account with a trusted child or sibling to meet the financial needs upon your death, while your estate is being settled.
  • Probate or revocable trust? Decide now how you wish your estate to be handled.
  • Select a Certified Elder Law attorney to learn more about your options and to be certain all your paperwork is up to date and meets the requirements of the state in which you reside. If you moved within the past several years, you may not have a valid will.
  • Locum tenens: Consider adding a trusted resource person to a bank account so they are able to write checks for you in case you become incapacitated at some future date. Sudden illness and accidents can be difficult enough without accumulating unpaid bills and other expenses.
  • Learn about Hospice in your location if you are failing, or a loved one is facing death. They can do much to support you and your family through these difficult times.

Increasing Retirement Income

Besides part-time or even full-time gigs, The Motley Fool suggests a dozen ways to generate more retirement income — with number eight being a reverse mortgage. For seniors facing health challenges, this can be one of the better forms of “health insurance,” because if someone opts for a line of credit (HELOC) they need only “pay for it” (i.e., activate the loan) when they need the money. If Lynne FitzGerald had had such information, perhaps she would still have her home today.
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GAO Outlines Reasons Not to Move the HECM from the MMI Fund

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Government Accountability Office outlines reasons to keep the HECM in FHA MMI Fund

On its face, the calls the separate the highly-volatile Home Equity Conversion (HECM) from the FHA’s MMI (Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund) appear fair-minded and pragmatic, but a recent report from the Government Accountability Office cited several reasons why the HECM should stay put. In it’s role as a government watchdog, the GAO is to provide nonpartisan analysis and accountability on how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

The GAO’s report entitled “Capital Requirements and Stress Testing Practices Need Strengthening” presents arguments for both moving the HECM to the Special Risk Insurance Fund and to keep it within the MMI fund where it has resided since 2009. In recent months pressure has mounted to move the HECM program from lawmakers and trade groups alike…

Download the video transcript here.
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9 Tips for a Happier Christmas

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Finding the joy in the holiday season

Ironically what should be the happiest season of the year can often become one of the most stressful, even worse, depressing for many.

1. Give the gift of memories. Apple, Google and others offer online photo books. You simply select your digital photos, arrange them and customize. Nothing is more heartfelt than the gift of memories. Trust me, they’ll look at your photo book year-round.

2. Watch Christmas movies with the entire family.
Today most families are watching TVs in their respective rooms. Come together instead to watch a Christmas classic. For me, it’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. For the more adventurous there’s always the original Die Hard. What’s yours?

3. Cook together. Cooking or baking?…
Download the video transcript here

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Norcom has a business model that will fit YOUR business model…especially after HECM changes begin October 2nd.
About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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BREAKING: New Lending Limit Jan 1st

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$679,650 Lending Limit for HECMs after 1-1-2018

While only a small percentage of potential borrowers with high-value property values would qualify, there are a few important caveats you should keep in mind. One note, for more in-depth discussion I would recommend reading Jim Veale’s article in Reverse Mortgage Daily’s LinkedIn group which can be found on the link on this page.

This is only our 2nd change since 2009 but this year’s increase was larger, much larger in fact than the previous increase. Effective January 1st 2017 HECM borrowers with higher valued properties would benefit from a nearly $11,000 increase from $625,500 to $636,150. This year’s increase is much more substantial…$43,500 more. The increase only applies to HECMs with an FHA case number issued on or after January 1st, 2018. Remember, the line in the sand is the date of FHA case number issuance, not the closing date…
FHA Loan Limits Page | Mortgagee Letter 2017-17

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