After the Financial Interview Tool (FIT) and BCU

Reverse Mortgage Financial Interview Tool And Benefits Check Up

Part 2 (Your thoughts after…)

Last month (September 11th) brought the implementation of the Financial Interview Tool & Benefits Check Up (BCU) as part of HUD counseling for all reverse mortgage applicants.

Please give us your thoughts (positive or negative) on this new protocol and questions to be covered. We want your perceptions now that the protocol is in effect and you and your clients have had some experience with the new protocol.Continue reading

Careless Advice

The following commentary is by James E. Veale | CPA, MBT

Proper Use Of Reverse Mortgages

Advice About Reverse Mortgages

The more I read and hear so called financial advisors presenting the use of reverse mortgages, the more troubling it becomes.  For example, one California reverse mortgage broker who allegedly provides retirement advice has issued press releases declaring that seniors are getting reverse mortgages to allow their portfolios and (401k and IRA) retirement accounts time to recover from recent investment losses.  Continue reading

Can HECM Regulators Act Unethically Toward the Reverse Mortgage Program?

Tell the woman who can no longer obtain a reverse mortgage because the program benefit cuts prevent her from getting rid of her conventional mortgage (she never could afford)-that Washington supports the program; Tell the man who desperately needs the reverse mortgage and yet was turned down because underwriting guidelines prefer that the properly executed power of attorney be called into question by an artificial standard-that Washington supports the program

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HUD’s new Financial Interview Tool: Will it prevent borrower problems?

HUD's New Financial Interview ToolCommentary:

I read with great interest and anticipation just what our prospective reverse mortgage borrowers would face with HUD’s new counseling protocol which includes a Financial Interview Tool [Update: Shortly after writing this commentary the NCOA FIT & Benefits Checkup are no longer available without a secure login] . Reverse Mortgage Daily was kind enough to include the above-mentioned link in their article.


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Did we just dodge a bullet?

If a mental picture comes to mind for the reverse mortgage industry it is the character “Neo” in the Matrix leaning back impossibly as he dodges bullets in slow motion. The question is, have we as an industry just dodged a bullet with the recent approval of the $150 million…

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