Got Skills?

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Are You Providing These Four Things?

reverse mortgage newsPerhaps quiet, unassuming and underestimated, thousands of reverse mortgage professionals march bravely into the world of sales, that is the art of education and influence. This brings to mind the quote from the movie “Taken” in which the lead character states “what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career.”

Too often sales mastery is confused with being a slick, fast-talking, silver-tongued or manipulative salesperson. The truth is each of us have practiced sales skills long before we ever entered the workforce. Remember persuading your parents to buy you that box of cereal or asking that special someone out one a date?

Here are some skills you may be using or that have become a bit rusty.

1. Active listening. The most common mistake we make is listening to respond. Instead, try listening to reveal. Focus on…

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Five Things Your Clients Need from You

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Are You Providing These Five Things?


reverse mortgage newsWhether you’re selling a widget, service or reverse mortgage your clients want and need five things from you, their trusted professional. Are you providing all five?

It’s easy to lose track of our customer service in the rush of trying to attract new borrowers, getting loan conditions cleared and keeping your applicants committed and moving forward with their reverse mortgage. Here are five things each of your clients need from you.

1. Accessibility. If the chances of your prospects or applicants getting ahold of you and receiving a response are similar to a constituent reaching their state senator it’s time to make a change. One way to avoid frustration is to set borrower expectations early. You can do this by…

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Two LinkedIn Power Tips

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Posting to LinkedIn Groups & Adding Backlinks to Your Profile

reverse mortgage newsLinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network. If you don’t have a profile the question is why. If you do apply these simple yet powerful principles to expand your influence, increase referrals and boost your bottom line.

Today we are going to cover (1) how to backlink your website in Publications and (2) how to post in LinkedIn Groups.

First, let’s talk about back-linking on your profile page. Now let’s clear the confusion of Posts & Publications. Posts are typically content you publish such as articles or videos. Publications typically link to scholarly articles but can be leveraged to provide increase SEO and traffic to your websites or blogs. First login to your LinkedIn account and click on your profile. You should be on your profile page. Next, scroll down until you see the section titled “Publications”. Mouse over this box and you will see a button appear “Add Publication”, click this. Enter an attention-getting title, enter your…

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Using #Hashtags & Trending Stories

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Hashtags can take your social media marketing to new heights

reverse mortgage newsHashtags. They’ve become increasingly popular in social media. Most often we associate hashtags with Twitter but they are now being used across several social media platforms. A hashtag is a word or phrase used to identify a subject preceded by the # (pound) sign…or hash mark. Think of them as a way to make your post search friendly.

Let’s say you are attempting to engage generate interest in the HECM with financial planning professionals. If you are authorized by your lender or broker to use social media you could use the hashtag #money #retirement #reversemortgage for example. Keep in mind that LinkedIn does not currently support hashtags so you should avoid them there. Instead LinkedIn offers up to three keywords on your profile posts. The social media platforms Twitter and Facebook are hashtag friendly and will help increase post engagement.

Should you use hashtags? Consider this. Today…

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What Problems Reveal About Ourselves

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How we deal with problems reveals much

reverse mortgage newsWhether it is in the course of originating reverse mortgages or personally we all encounter problems. I’ll be honest, I’m not a big fan of problems but they seem to still like me. Problems are instructive. How we deal with problems reflects on who we are.

Problems come in all shapes and sizes: problem conditions with a loan, a borrower angry with their appraised value, unmet expectations or an argument with our spouse. How we deal with our problems not only reveals our character strengths and weaknesses but also determines our level of success.

Here are some common ways we can deal with problems that are revealing.


To blame is to shift responsibility to another. Finger pointing may be cathartic but never produces positive results. At its core blame is manipulation, not a trait anyone wants to have attributed to them. How often can we say ‘my bad’ or ‘I am sorry’?


Leaders don’t just work, good leaders do the hard thing. Accepting responsibility for a problem shows leadership, confidence and honesty. Mature leaders..

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Allergic Reactions

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Challenging Denial? Proceed with Caution

reverse mortgage newsIt’s springtime here in the western U.S. where the sun shines, flowers and trees bloom and allergy season begins. In fact as I speak my car is covered with the yellow telltale powder of tree pollen. While physical allergies are easy to identify and treat, what about allergic reactions to truth?

Physical allergies are triggered when a person comes in contact with a substance that triggers a a reactions, most commonly a release of histamines that seek to protect your immune system. The problem for those who have allergies their bodies have confused harmless substances as potential threats creating a defensive response. Psychological allergies are quite another matter. Each of us have our hard-wired responses to perceived threats, unsettling information or personal conflict. Some our own responses  could be likened to an allergic reaction.

The same can be said with the prospective borrowers we meet. If we do not tread carefully when exposing the truth that more funds are needed to fund their retirement the feedback can be less than pleasant…

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Jump Start Your Day

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7am-alarm-clock5 Steps for A Great Day…

Getting your day started can feel like pushing a truck uphill. Most of what we call a ‘good day’ is often judged by how we feel the day began and ended.

Here are 5 practical ways you can jump start your day for greater productivity and happiness.

1. Fuel up. Too often we skip breakfast thinking that we can run on pure determination or caffeine alone. Just as we would never leave the house in our car with an near empty gas tank we should fuel up our tank with a balanced meal high in protein balanced with complex carbs and healthy fats. Many busy professionals I know will make a balanced breakfast shake if cooking is impractical.

2. Eat the frog. Speaking of meals how about frogs? Not literally of course. Eating the frog is a phrase often used by…

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Time for a Tuneup?

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3 Steps for Self-Care & Success…

Maintenance conceptIt’s part of our regimen as car owners: maintenance and regular tune ups and oil changes. The question is do we give more attention to our vehicles than we do our own personal and mental well being?

Not unlike a car if your run yourself at high RPMs, overlook periodic maintenance or drive until the wheels fall off, you will not last long as a reverse mortgage professional. Apathy, burnout and a short fuse are sure signs that you need to apply some self maintenance sooner than later.

Here are 3 ways to tune yourself up.

1. Sleep. I used to pride myself on running on five hours of sleep, that is until I crashed and burned. The intrusion of portable electronic devices have crept into our bedrooms. How often do you


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Why Saying ‘Yes’ is Hurting Your Business

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No May Be the Best Thing to Say…

We are in the people business. The business of selling, educating and assisting older homeowners get a reverse mortgage. As salespeople we love not only to hear the word “yes” but we love to tell our customers the same.yes-no-seesaw

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every age-eligible homeowner qualified for a reverse mortgage? How about most? The advent of the financial assessment and other changes to the HECM program have collectively changed many of our yeses into maybes. Here are some reasons saying yes is hurting your business.

1. Resources. If you are still primarily attracting the needs-based borrower with few assets, a high mortgage balance and a checkered credit history you may want to help but you may be only hurting yourself and other potential borrowers. Time is one of the most valuable resources you have and if you spend it trying to qualify borrowers who are problematic you have robbed yourself of the opportunity to help qualified homeowners. Consider the time, the cost to your company to process and underwrite. It’s not about discriminating but marketing to the most likely borrower to qualify.

2. Credibility. Nothing stings more for applicants than being denied. Lest we forget, applying for a reverse mortgage is an emotional process. Be careful what…


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Why Do You Do It?

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Why Do You Go to Work?

reverse mortgage newsIf you ask someone why they go to work you will get a variety of answers but one is most common…money. With the increasing complexity that comes with originating reverse mortgages it’s fair to ask the question, “why do I do what I do?’

Some may jokingly say “I owe, I owe, so off to work I go” when speaking to the reason they get up and go to work each day. Certainly each of us have bills to pay. While such a crass statement may be humorous the truth is the motivation of money falls flat for long term satisfaction, achievement and purpose. That leaves us again with the question, why do you do what you do? You see the key is repetition. The more we ask ourselves this the more likely we are to uncover the true motivations why we have chosen to work as reverse mortgage professionals.

In professions that present unique challenges you will most likely find the ‘mission-driven’ individual. These folks could work anywhere but know that they will only find satisfaction in working in a field that supports their inner desire to work toward a greater good. In our industry that mission is to…

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