8 Productivity Game Changers

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8 Ways to Unleash Your Personal Productivity

Beyond strategy, drive and opportunity is one factor that will build or destroy your success as a reverse mortgage professional. reverse mortgage news

Last week I read an article by Bruna Martinuzzi which captured the twelve productivity tips from extremely busy individuals. How do businesspeople who are at the top of their game manage their time? Bestselling author and speaker Brian Tracy says “personal productivity is a key differentiator between those who succeed in their chosen field and those who do not.” Here are 12 tips each of us should consider implementing or improving.

1. Single Purpose Focus. Pick one thing and just do that. Laser focus brings clarity, vision in our efforts to be the absolute best at what we do.

2. Block out distractions. Every distraction can cost you the ten to fifteen minutes it may take to get your mind back on the task at hand. Time block your calendar with your top priorities, lock the door when needed and turn off the email and phones periodically.

3. Create rituals. Before you leave the office determine what your top priority is for the following day. If you are time blocking it should be on your calendar. When you arrive the next morning accomplish that key task.

4. Early to rise. One of our most innovative and successful founding fathers Benjamin Franklin had it right when he said “early to bed and early…


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How to be a Reverse Mortgage Celebrity

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Practical Tips to becoming your own celebrity spokesperson

You’ve seen them on television and read about them in our industry’s news wire, celebrity spokespersons. The question is how can you become your area’s local reverse mortgage celebrity?

celebrity-hatFew of us have the financial means to launch a national television campaign, take out a full page ad in a national publication or make a public splash in the national consciousness, however you can become the best known celebrity advocating reverse mortgage in your local area. How?

Here’s how to become your local reverse mortgage celebrity:

First and foremost branding. You can affix a magnet placard to the sides of your car, wrap your vehicle with reverse mortgage graphics or simply create a snazzy rear window screen graphic. Be sure to include a value proposition, your name and a call to action for others to call you. You may even consider creating your own jacket, collared shirt or vest advertising your services. Can you imagine the numerous spontaneous conversations that you could have while in line at the grocery store, bank or post office? Don’t miss the opportunity your public presence has to brand you as the go-to person for all things reverse.

Second: Make friends, especially in the media…


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Are You Fully Present?

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4 Steps to Intentional ‘Conscious’ Living

Do you grapple with the ever-present need to be connected to every tidbit of information? What’s going on with my friends social media accounts? What’s the latest political or economic news? What is the latest development in the reverse fully-presentmortgage industry? While the desire to absorb information is helpful to stay informed it can also take us directly out of the present moment.

Here are some tips I have learned from my friend and hard-earned personal lessons I’ve taken with me along the way.

1- Setup Filters. Ask yourself the question “is this information useful to me?”. Much of what we spend our mental energy on is fluff, filler and background noise. Will what you are doing help you be a better husband, wife, parent or coworker? Does this information encourage me or drag me down into cynicism and despair?

2- Just one thing. Seems odd but try to do just one thing at a time versus trying to mentally unwind one issue while your hands are busy doing something else.

Download a transcript of this episode here.

Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Meetings: The Death of Productivity

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Getting Control of Meetings

reverse mortgage news
Have you ever done this in a meeting?

Meetings. If you work in a large company or have you can empathize with the statement that meetings are the bane of productivity. Meetings do not have to be a productivity killer with some simple, intentional pre-planning.

Meetings are necessary when working with a team of other professionals. They serve to shape strategy, improve efficiencies and address challenges. Ironically meetings can become time-wasters in their own rite.

20 years ago I was a marketing manager for a large nonprofit. Each Monday we would have a management meeting and every time I left feeling frustrated that I just wasted another 2 hours of my day that would inevitably push me into the late evening hours. That experience taught me several valuable lessons. Here are a few tips to get the most from your meetings or ideas to respectfully suggest.

1. Create an Agenda. Seems basic but many meetings lack a clear and defined roadmap or agenda and consequently end up in the weeds of the irrelevant. Laser focus is required for efficient meetings. The agenda should be specific enough so all participants now what is to be discussed. If someone gets off topic add it to a list of ‘parking lot’ topics which can be addressed in the future.

2. After Action Reports. One of the greatest tools for meetings is the…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Hold Your Head High

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You may be the last hope for this generation of retirees

reverse mortgage newsIt’s no news flash that our industry has underwent severe growing pains in recent years. Many of you have your share of battle scars that serve as an ever-present reminder of relentless product changes, housing market upheavals and previous media attacks against the reverse mortgage and those who sell them.

All things considered one may ask “what’s the upside of being in this business?”  While true it may seem that no good deed goes unpunished when it comes to helping older Americans ensure a more comfortable retirement, yet there is a sliver lining; the need is immense for income solutions and will continue to grow. Why? Fewer retirees are prepared today than in any previous generation before it. Entitlement programs and Social Security are unsustainable though few politicians will actually take the required  course of action required to avert disaster. After all would any politician today dare utter the words of President Frank Underwood in the hit Netflix Series House of Cards? “For too long, we in Washington have…

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The Greatest Fear of All

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Overcoming Fear of Rejection for Greater Sales Success

reverse mortgage newsSomeone once told me “the answer is always no until you ask”. I beat this mantra into my consciousness early in my sales career. It speaks to a common affliction often found in salespeople: the fear of rejection.

As human beings we are hard-wired to seek connection, acceptance and belonging. Fear of rejection focuses on the potential loss of these nobel aspirations. Truth be told none of us are immune yet some have mastered their fear pushing through to new levels of personal victory and professional achievement. How can each of us as reverse mortgage professional manage this human condition?

It’s strictly business

Life is a teacher and at times an brutal drill instructor. We have learned repeatedly that being rejected hurts. This repeated cycle of action and consequence can leave some feeling insecure as to how they should approach others coupled with a bruised sense of worth. When it comes to sales there is something we should first consider: the rejection is not of you as a person but of the idea or product you are selling. As Michael Corleone opined in the Godfather “…

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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Working in Contexts

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The Hidden Secret of Productivity

reverse mortgage newsWhen switching from task to task do you ever feel like an old half ton dump truck grinding gears as you shift? There may be a reason for that.

I will tell you the truth. You will never perfect time management. That’s okay because if equipped with the right tools you can still master, but not perfect, the art of managing your time and productivity. However there is one consideration that is often missed…working in context. Beyond time blocking, prioritizing or even color coding that leather-bound calendar working in context can take your time management skills to the next level.
What is a context? It is the location or tool readily available to you at a particular time of day. Some examples are the phone, computer, office, home, errands, etc. The challenge is that technology has blurred the lines allowing us to check emails while in the checkout line, schedule an appointment in the parking lot or attend a conference call during our commute. Unfortunately this approach can


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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

The Hard Work: What Makes Some Successful?

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Six Traits of Successful Individuals

Look at the successful individuals around you and you will find one common trait, they do what is difficult. Quite often we hear that success is about being in the right place at the right time. Such sentiments may be popular but disregard the truth that success requires hard work.steps-success

Here are some of the traits you will find in successful individuals.

1- They are polite. Manners speak volumes about a person’s character. Good manners does not mean they are always the warmest or most outgoing person but rather they treat everyone with respect . Successful leaders embody respect as they give the respect they would expect in return. Being polite and professional in difficult situations requires strength.

2- They are punctual. Being on time speaks to one’s ability to successfully manage…


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Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Big Rocks, Small Rocks

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What’s in Your Jar? Revisitng our Priorities

reverse mortgage newsAmerican author, businessman and renowned speaker Stephen Covey penned the analogy of prioritizing our lives as one would place big and small rocks into a jar. Sound odd? Perhaps, yet this simple and profound principle can transform the way you manage all the things we collectively call ‘life’.

During a seminar on time management Covey stopped and said “Okay, it’s time for a quiz.” He reached under the table and pulled out a wide mouthed gallon jar and set it next to a plate of small and large rocks. “How many of these rocks do you think we can get in the jar?”.
Time management often becomes a challenge of seeing how much we can cram into our day, yet this approach often leaves us unfulfilled, frustrated and failing to meet our primary professional and personal objectives…

Download a transcript of this episode here.

Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.

Happy Holidays to You from Reverse Focus

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year’s

Thank you to each of you for joining us throughout 2015. Here’s to all the best in the coming year!