Priming Your Sales Pump

When it comes to slowdowns you may be experiencing most of them are simply out of your control or sphere of influence. The good news is with time comes increased efficiency. Many lenders may be stretched now but will be adapting quickly to new policies and regulations decreasing processing and underwriting times.

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Don’t Shy Away

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How to Overcome Objections & Close More Loans

reverse mortgage newsIf there is one trait in many salespeople I’ve seen repeatedly it is the tendency to shy away or avoid objections to the reverse mortgage. I’ve been there myself. Early in my career I carried the silent fear that if I bring up anything negative the prospect will reject the idea of getting a reverse mortgage. I learned the hard way that nothing could be futher from the truth.

Let’s look at why bringing up and overcoming objections is critical to closing and keeping the sale.

#1. Trust. If you do not bring up the fact that the children’s inheritance is directly effected, the disadvantage of moving early in the loan or  how interest is really calculated someone else may or even worse they will find out on their own and ask “why didn’t he mention that?’. Once that happens your trustworthiness is shot and so is the sale.

#2. A true professional. There are salespeople and then there are…

Download the video transcript for this episode here.

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Before the Damage is Done

We’ve all read or seen them and utter a collective ‘ugh’ or fume after the fact. Negative and misinformed stories in the press or television on reverse mortgages. Looking back and reflecting on this unfortunate and recurring ignorance by so-called experts I began to ask myself ‘what could we have done differently’?

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Avoiding the Business Grinch

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Seizing the Holiday Season for Business Planning & Growth

reverse mortgage news[CORRECTION]: The Financial Assessment goes into effect March 2nd, 2015, not the 15th as I erroneously mentioned in the video]
It’s the season of winter cheer, eggnog, ridiculously big meals, gifts and unfortunately the business Grinch. The Business Grinch appears every December attempting to steal our productivity, well intentioned plans and goals for the coming year. What are some ways you can prepare to avoid the business grinch? Let’s look at a few ways to better prepare and maximize this season.

1- Projects. Begin by making a master list of the projects you wish to accomplish this year. Break them down into smaller action steps and then

2- Time block your calendar. Time block the days and times you will dedicate to your project actions. Also time block out recurring activities that are the backbone of your business such as outbound lead calls, follow up, professional networking, conferences and more.

3- Reexamine your marketing plan. We should anticipate a rush of new applicants in January and February in anticipation of the Financial Assessment which goes into effect March 15th. The question is what happens after? Here is where you will need to…

Download the video transcript for this episode here.

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