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Work got you stressed? Try these five steps.
Step 1 – What is taking up a lot of your focus and energy?
Write down a list of everything you are thinking about and stressing about.
Step 2 – What would be a successful outcome to this situation?
To each point on the list, visualize what a perfect solution would be and then write it down.
Step 3 – How important is it that this task is done?
By answering this question, you learn if this task is something you need and should do or if it really isn’t that important and can be eliminated.
Step 4 – What action could you take to move the project towards that goal?
Once you know that the idea is an important one, write down what the next action you can take to move the goal towards its perfect solution.
Step 5 – Decide when you are going to do the action
Write it down in your calendar.
Let Go and Relax
Do you feel how much more relaxed you are now that you don’t have to remember all your ideas? Now that you know that they will be done?