Practical ways to shift yourself into a better mood
It’s difficult to sell from a position of unhappiness. John shares some practical ways to get your mindset back on track…
About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here
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1 Comment
Now that is what I call a great suggestion made by John Luddy!
I don’t know about you but I am a baby boomer senior and I love the music of the 60’s and even the 50’s. When I play those songs, and I do often, it does make me happy. It also gives me the burst of energy I need to go out there and counsel the public on the best product available to our senior homeowners!
Thanks John, great start for the day message from you!
John A. Smaldone