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The Benefits of Rediscovering the Word “No”
Two weeks ago I watched the movie “Yes Man” starring Jim Carrey. It was a funny yet cautionary tale about saying no to life and the abundance that awaits those who say ‘yes’ to new experiences. Anyone who has raised children knows the terrible twos showcase the opposite word…’no’! We were often taught by school, society and others that saying ‘no’ is rude, impolite or obstinate. But is it? The art of knowing when to say no is key to establishing personal and professional boundaries that protect our focus and productivity. Let’s look at a few examples.
#1: Say No to others dictating your schedule. Your time is just that…yours. It is our responsibility to time block our days and weeks with our most important activities. Sales, prospecting, paperwork, phone calls, meetings, etc. Setup focused blocks of 30-45 minutes for one task. If interrupted let the other party know that you are one a scheduled task and will address the issue. Look at your calendar and give them a specific time. No one will respect your time if you don’t yourself.
#2: Email: Let’s admit it. It’s become a professional addiction….
Download the video transcript here.
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