Get More from Your Day

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The Art of Reducing & Managing Distractions

Reverse Mortgage News Video< Feel run down? Tired? Like life is a cluttered mess? As the demands of our professional life increase as a reverse mortgage professional we need to strip away the distractions that sabotage our day. Here are a few ways we can do our best by removing distractions. #1-  Get rid of bad habits. What habits? Perhaps staying up way to late, sleeping in late, watching too much TV. Look at both how you treat your body and what information you put in your mind. #2- Hit the stop button. Your phone is blowing up and emails flood your inbox but you have a project to complete or a loan file to finalize…

Download video transcript here.

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Breaking the Cycle of Business As Usual

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Are You Ready for the New Way of Doing Business?

Reverse Mortgage Business News

Doing business as usual is a sure recipe for failure in our fast-changing industry. First year distribution limits, borrower financial capacity and lower lending ratios are the new reality of reverse mortgage lending. Beyond industry-wide efforts like “Extreme Summit” to redefine the reverse mortgage’s public image lies a more crucial and practical consideration. Just how should we be doing business in 2014? In our most recent online training “Asking the Right Questions” which over 500 professionals attended we examined several facets of our interaction with borrowers. At the conclusion one attendee commented “prescription before diagnosis is malpractice’. In other words, to make recommendations to any prospective borrowr without first conducting extensive fact finding is both short-sighted and  unprofessional.

Keys to a Happier 2014

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Practical Ways to Increase Happiness in the New Year

Reverse Mortgage News

A happier 2014. Happiness. That is our wish for you in the coming year. While we cannot control every event that comes our way we can take some practical steps. As we wrap up 2013 here are a few things we can do to have a happier year.

1- Avoid retail therapy. Feeling resetless, unhappy? Shopping is not the answer. New bobbles and gadgets only briefly distract from what is bothering us. Instant gratification is only a temporary fix.

2- Work out more. The more we work out the more endorphins we generate which are natural chemicals leading to feelings of well being and enthusiasm for the rest of the day’s activities.

3- Spiritual foundation. If you have spiritual or religious beliefs don’t neglect them. Remind yourself of what is important. Your guiding principles, outlook and mission in life. Gathering with those who believe like you gives you a sense of belonging and encouragement knowing you are not alone in this life.

4- Volunteer. One wise man told me “want to foget your problems? Work on someone elses”. Getting our focus of ourselves allows us to assist those around us who often have it much worse than we do. A soup kitchen, community cleanup or mentoring children are all great ways to pay it forward and bring some perspective.

5- Embrace friendship. Make the time to spend with friends. Focus your time on laughter and shared interests avoiding negative talk and gossip. Let yourself be fully in the moment and snap a few pictures for keepsakes while you’re at it.

6-Eat better. The most powerful mood altering drug we put in our bodies is food. Be mindful of what types of food make you slump or power you up for the day. Lean proteins and veggies should be a part of each meal.

7- Turn off the television. Break out a book or play a game with your loved ones. If you fast from TV for a few days you may be surprised with the ample amount of time you have to enjoy what’s important, work on projects or reconnect with those who matter most.

8- Find the positive. Despite news or recent developments in our industry be cautious against over-reacting. Look for the silver lining in each situation while planning realistically. 2014 is just around the corner. How we approach it is in your hands. Have a great weekend and thank you from each of us here at Reverse Focus for your continued support. Happy New Year!

Download video transcript here

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Your Local Online Business Presence

Establishing The Local Presence Of Your Reverse Mortgage Business Online

Wouldn’t it be great if prospective reverse mortgage borrowers would seek you out? Well they may just be doing that, and you may be missing out.

Google Places

Your Reverse Mortgage Business Online

In this day and age we all know that “Google” is widely accepted as a legitimate verb… at some point we have either told someone to, or had someone tell us to “Google it”. So when a potential borrower is considering a reverse mortgage, one of the first things they will likely do is “Google it” in the hopes of finding information on a trustworthy and well established reverse mortgage lender in their area.

The question is… will they find you? Have you established your Google Places listing? These listings are the first results to appear in Google searches related to local businesses. They are what you see in the map results, and what a large number of people use when seeking out a business in their area.

Why are the Google Places results so appealing to “searchers”?

  • This is obvious, but they are the top. People want the information they are seeking as quickly as possible.
  • They immediately provide people with contact information – phone number, location, directions.
  • They lead people to your website. A Google Places listing has the option to add a link to your business website, so even if your business website is not on page 1 in Google, this map listing that is at the top of the results will lead them directly to your website where they can gather more information about you.
  • They can include reviews. People can learn about the reputation of your business, which often gives them that extra motivation to make that call to you.
  • They provide an established third party summary of your business. A business must verify to establish it’s Google Places listing, so it gives people an extra bit of comfort that you are who you say you are.
  • Also, these listings can include images, summaries, categories, links, and give people an overall picture of your business.

Establishing Your Google Places Listing

Establishing Your Google Places Listing

As daunting as internet marketing can be, getting yourself listed in Google Places is something you can do yourself.

  • Create Your Account – First you need to create your Google Places account.
  • Follow The Prompts – Once you have created your account, you will be guided through a series of steps that take you through the process of establishing your listing.
  • Locate Or Create Your Listing – You will be asked to search for your business. If your listing exists, you will be asked to verify it right away. If it is not yet established, you will be asked to create the listing, and then verify it.
  • Verification – You will be given the option to verify by phone or by post card. The phone verification is immediate, but you must be able to accept a call at that moment at the phone number of your place of business that will be on the listing. The verification post cards come within 2 weeks of you prompting a request for one, but some people prefer these if the phone verification is difficult – for example, if your business has an automated phone system, the automated Google verification call cannot get through it, so you will need to select the post card option.
  • Develop Your Listing – Once your listing is created and you have verified it, you will be able to edit it and add information, categories, and images. Adding these items is important to give your listing credibility and to attract interest.

Maintaining Your Google Places Listing

Once your listing is established, it will serve as a significant part of your local business presence in Google and online in general.

  • Keep Your Information Current – It will be important to always make sure your listing has your current contact info, website address, etc., as this will be a highly visible representation of your business. People calling the wrong number or looking for your business at an outdated address could turn them off to working with you. Keeping the information current establishes reliability.
  • Respond To Reviews – You cannot control the reviews people will leave you but you can take time to respond – to positive and negative reviews. If reviews are positive, thank people for their kind words and for using your services. Other searchers will view this as you having a good rapport with your clients. If there are negative reviews, take the high road and leave a cordial response. Apologize for their negative experience and offer the person the option to contact you to discuss their issue more. This often shifts the negativity off of your business because people see that you are concerned about your service, and that you are willing to work with people.
  • Encourage Positive Reviews – Whether it be through your website, Facebook page, or in person, encourage your happy clients to leave you reviews on Google. When a list of results comes up, those positive reviews can be the difference between someone choosing your business over another listing right next to it.

Taking this small step today can have long term positive benefits for your business, so establish your listing, and when people are told to “Google it” for a great reverse mortgage business in your area, they’ll be likely to find you!

Do What?!

7 Not So Secret Tips for Success…
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Reverse Mortgage Business Success
By now most of you are familiar with the new HECM product, first year distribution limits, upfront MIP charges, etc. The question is on a broader level what can you do each day in position yourself and your reverse mortgage business for success in the coming year? Here are just a few things to consider. #1- Know your priorities. You will never be able to do all things. That’s frustrating for you Type A personalities out there but honestly, it’s impossible. To avoid frustration and burn out write out your priorities. For most of us it’s prospecting and outbound calls. Time block each day of the week when you will be making sales calls and PROTECT that time from any other demands. #2- Focus. Multitasking is a sure way to do several things half-good. It’s also a more productive form of procrastination…

How to Work Better – Seven Tips

Here we sit at our desk on Friday and may find ourselves wondering ‘ how am I going to get this all done?’ Don’t worry you’re not alone. That’s a question that often enters my mind. Want to feel good about the weekend before you leave the office today? Do you want to milk every ounce of efficiency from your time at the office? If your answer is yes here are seven ways to work better.

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Just another Manic Monday: Friday’s Food for Thought

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Do you dread Mondays? If so here are a few tips to help break the cycle:

  • Friday review: Time block Monday, organize paperwork, schedule call backs, empty inbox and email
  • Get back to you…. Emails requiring a response received late Friday can be responded to with “ I will take a look at this… Monday”
  • Shift your calendar (Sunday as first day)
  • If you work from home start some Monday tasks Sunday (1 hour) and prep your plan (if you didn’t do it Friday)
  • Daily voicemail