Will this Save the Reverse Mortgage Industry?

reverse mortgage news

ePath 100K RM leads

More looking outside the HECM as a single solution

What will save the reverse mortgage industry or at least put us back on a trajectory of sustained growth? One industry leader sees a path for recovery- one that broadens our vision and approach. Finance of America Reverse’s President Kristen Sieffert has successfully made inroads in expanding the reverse mortgage’s appeal. First, by engaging traditional mortgage originators through a strategic campaign that couples education and motivation. More recently, she helped shape Finance of America’s flagship jumbo reverse mortgage- the HomeSafe Select. The loan’s unique features such as a line of credit and the ability to be placed as a second lien behind a low-interest rate first mortgage align with the lender’s mission to be a retirement solutions provider.

So what is the solution to stop the slide in loan production? “It’s critical to be focused on what will help Americans get to work on retirement more holistically”, says Sieffert in her recent interview with the Reverse Review. “Historically our industry has offered a single solution to everyone...

reverse mortgage news


A HECM or a Jumbo?

ePath 100K RM leads

Equity consumption, home appreciation, and heirs

HECM-JumboMillion dollar homes are more commonplace than many would expect and with more affluent borrowers considering a reverse mortgage, the question arises: does a reverse mortgage make sense? Jack Guttentag’s (aka The Mortgage Professor) latest column in the Herald Tribune addresses the strategies and risks to consider with high valued properties. Guttentag compare two borrowers aged 62 with homes worth $636,150 (today’s HECM lending limit) and $1 million respectively. If both take the maximum tenure payment of $1,854 per month and remain in their homes until the ripe old age of 100, their loan balances would have ballooned to $2.75 million. This assumes a relatively unchanged interest rate for both borrowers..

However, the pivotal factor in this scenario is the assumed appreciation rate of 4%. With an appreciation rate of 4% the heirs of the lesser valued home would stand to receive about…

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