Remaining Lenders Grow: August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report

reverse mortgage news

Download the August 2011 Top 100 HECM Lenders Report here.

Big Names disappear, survivors grow

It’s strange to no longer see the familiar name of Bank of America on the top lenders report. Wells Fargo remains because endorsements usually trail applications by 3-4 months so soon they will fade from the top 10. What’s most interesting are the large and medium lenders who have begun to grab some of the market share left in the absence of Wells & B of A.
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Landmark Reverse Loan Services expands hours for NATIONAL coverage

Landmark Reverse Loan Services
Landmark Reverse Loan Services is expanding their operations and their hours. Starting January 1st, Landmark Reverse will be fully staffed and operational from 6:00am PST to 7:00pm PST to ensure the entire nation properly serviced during normal business hours. In addition, Landmark Reverse is excited to introduce their Regional Solution which will allow smaller lenders to submit THEIR approved appraiser so Lanmark Reverse can offer HVCC and FHA Compliant appraisal requests. Finally, local lenders can order appraisals with local appraisers whom they have prior working relationships.