The Art of Happiness

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7 Steps to Finding & Keeping Happiness

reverse mortgage newsHappiness. It can be elusive at times especially during times of upheaval and industry change. Being a person who can tend to overthink the why, happiness can become the casualty of our internal thought life. Our internal thought life is key as I was reminded this week reading the short booklet I keep on my desk entitled “As a Man Thinketh”. One passage that particularly jumped out was “Circumstances does not make the man; it reveals him to himself”.

Here are a few nuggets of wisdom I found from my recent reading that I want to share with you.

1- Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t believe everything you hear, even that voice in your head. The next time a negative thought enters your mind stop, capture and challenge it. Is it real? Is it likely to happen? Also don’t judge yourself harshly for negative thought but rather hold yourself accountable for what you do with them.

2- Create boundaries. Technology is great but it can also become an electronic dog leash…

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Every Problem Once was a Solution

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What once worked may be problematic today

Reverse Mortgage Business Marketing

Oddly our topic that every problem once was a solution reminds me of the now extinct standard fixed rate HECM. It was a solution to borrowers seeking maximum funds or a guaranteed interest rate which became a problem loan for FHA when assessing risk and performance. This is a prime example of how behaviors, business models or marketing may become problems once they are not up to date anymore. On a personal level we can become angry with ourselves wondering why we act a certain way in a given circumstance. On the surface it may appear to be irrational. But is it? It’s not so much that a current behavior or pattern is irrational but rather that it no longer works. What was once a solution is now a problem.

You may have adapted a new strategy or way of doing business based on…

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How Would I Live…?

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How Would You Live a Life Without Fear?

reverse mortgage newsHave you ever asked yourself the question ‘how would I live if I had no fear”. While no fear makes for a great slogan on clothing and energy drinks, how does one live a ‘fearless’ life? Unfortunately there is no magic cure to abolish all traces of fear from our lives. However we can begin the process of imperfectly living a fearless life by taking a few practical steps each day. Here are just a few. 1- Recognize that fear saps our energy and stops us from…

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Dealing with Toxic Emotions

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Working Out Negative Emotions in the Workplace

reverse mortgage newsI recently had the privilege to take a cruise to Central America. Beyond the fine cuisine, entertainment and pristine scenery I was most impressed with attitude. The attitude of the ship’s staff who catered to each passenger’s need without complaint. Without hesitation. As a businessman this intrigued me. How could such a level of service be possible?  What forces were at work that where one never saw a disgruntled or negative staff member? Intrigued I asked and learned that the cruise line had a strict policy against complaining. Complaining not just to the guests but to one another. Author and business leadership expert Daniel Goleman said “Emotions are contagious from the leader outward”. I would add especially amongst your sales or service force.

Studies have shown that emotions can be transmitted…

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