Don’t Worry, Be Active


Why Action Defers Anxiety

If there is one trait nearly every mortgage professional has mastered it is the art of worrying. Typically our worry as reverse mortgage professionals centers on the fear or rising interest rates, industry regulations, and our industry’s overall outlook. This week we examine how to transform our worry in to action.

reverse mortgage newsDespite being a highly-organized individual, I still grapple with worry. Last year with a looming deadline ahead I had an epiphany. As I began to chip away at my unsavory project it hit me- a phrase that was almost audible in my mind- “Action Defers Anxiety”.

Salespeople run on a volatile mix of intellect, drive, and emotion. It’s the emotional additive to our fuel mix that can often create problems. We typically relish the emotion of a closed deal, a funded loan, or a successful meeting but overlook the impact that negative emotions, chiefly worry, have on our business.

Let’s be honest, the more closely you follow the news, the more prone you are to worry. The trick is not to let the news sabotage your daily activity. A Swedish proverb cautions “worry often gives a small thing a big shadow”. Are you worried about rising interest rates, potential HECM product changes or the real estate market? Does FHA’s recent report to Congress concern you? The good news is there are some practical steps you can take to transform your anxiety into positive action.

1. Get it out. Keep a journal of your worries in a notebook. The mere physical act of writing it down helps us remove the negative thought from being top of mind. Later you can review your worry list to only realize how few of your fears ever became reality.

2. Stay active.
The worst thing you can do when worrying is to slow down. Why? Slowing down your daily activity will only give your mind more…

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Get Out & Work Remotely


A change of scenery may be just what you need

reverse mortgage news“Change is as good as a vacation”. Perhaps. With today’s portable digital technology, many of us can enjoy the benefits of working remotely outside of the office.

**Sneak Preview** Preparing for NRMLA meeting in Chicago.
reverse mortgage news

Productivity Hacks


Little known and overlooked productivity hacks

box-mysteryThere is a lot we were never taught in school. Beyond learning how to cook in high school home economics class most of us were never taught how to be productive. Like most professionals my indoctrination into the tenets of productivity was a self-taught effort fraught with countless mistakes, missteps and the satisfaction of finding a system that works.

More important than the mechanics of productivity and time management are the underlying principles of unleashing our productivity. Here are just a few stranger secrets of productivity to consider.

Going meta. Albert Einstein said, “a problem cannot be solved at the same level of thinking in which it was conceived.” Going meta is to go a level above. The term ‘meta’ is gaining popularity in modern culture. Simply put it means to operate one level above. Einstein suggested going meta in the early part of the day.

Avoiding the grey zone. We don’t live in a black and white world. We operate in the reality of the grey, between day and night, love and hate, understanding and confusion, and ultimately being focused and unfocused. In his book, ‘The Power of Full Engagement’, Tony Schwartz defines the grey zone as an unproductive state between where you are not fully focused and also not truly resting. It is unrealistic to expect ourselves to be in the zone during the entire…

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Design Your Life


Simple Steps to Create a Custom Designed Lifestyle

DYLIs the tail wagging the dog? It’s a question worth consideration if we honestly examine our daily life. Are we in control, or have we built our own prison? Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought, brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

I’’m a highly-organized and driven individual but I will admit, I have often placed the figurative shackles on myself with my daily activities, habits and choices I make. There is always so much room for improvement. Do you feel your daily routines are controlling you, slowly grinding you into dust? That’s no fun. Try these ideas to design your daily life into something you enjoy rather than dread.

1. Get organized.

Clutter increases stress…

Be Brief. Think in Tweets


reverse mortgage newsCan you think in tweets? Even better can you communicate with others as you would if you sent a twitter post? It’s a skill that warrants examination as our society is increasingly distracted. Even our prospective senior homeowners have increasing demands for their attention from various media.

When Twitter was born in 2006 it was engineered to work with a user’s wireless text messaging service. SMS text messages were limited to 160 characters so the now iconic startup reserved 20 characters for a user name, and the remaining 140 for the post. Twitter’s revolutionary approach to online communication and social networking forced users to communicate their messages in a clear, and concise manner. No fluff, no frills, just the facts ma’am.

Are your e-mails too long? Probably. Have you considered your email communication with prospective borrowers and applicants?

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What is Conscious Living?


Six Keys to Intentional Living

reverse mortgage newsWhat is conscious living? It is the intentional practice of creating the life we want through a series of decisions. Perhaps a better way to define this mindset is to describe what it isn’t. Choosing a career based on money alone. Choosing a partner based primarily on looks. Buying a home based on the image you want to project or what others have. Today we will reveal several keys to living a conscious life.

Conscious living is truly the process of creating a custom tailor-made lifestyle. Here are some tips to begin creating your conscious life. .

1. Ask yourself what you want. It’s surprising just how many people either don’t know what they want or are afraid to express their wants, needs, and…

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Lunch: The Golden Hour


How to Leverage the “Golden Hour”

reverse mortgage newsYou groggily gulp coffee as you head out the door to your car and jump on the interstate hoping for an uneventful commute. As you enter your office your pulse quickens as your stack of paperwork and voicemail light flashes greeting your return. The unrelenting pace of our workday continues through the early evening hours. In the rush, you most likely missed an important midday appointment: lunch. Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

For most of us, the daily grind of the workweek repeats itself like a broken record. It’s not so much a pessimistic statement but a realization that our days are chock full of repetitive tasks and activities. This regimen will wear any professional down slowly. With this in mind, most of us are missing out a valuable mid-day opportunity to reboot, lunch.

Here are some ways to leverage your daily lunch break for renewal, perspective, and efficiency.

1. Plan ahead. Each Friday schedule your following week’s potential lunch…

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Time Management Goes ‘Analog’


Going Analog with a Bullet Journal Approach to Time Management

b-journalYou may benefit from adding some bullets to your life. Today most, including myself, make extensive use of online calendars on their desktop computer or mobile phone. After all shouldn’t we leverage technology for increased productivity since “there’s an app for that”?

Bullet journaling and planning is a concept whose time may have come for business professionals. Both online and paper day planners present their own unique challenges. For the most part, they make you fit into their time management methodology. For some…


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Do These Famous Habits Still Work?


Do the 7 Habits Still Apply today?

7-habits-of-highly-effective-people-book-summary-sidekick-content-stephen-coveyMost of you are familiar with Stephen Covey’s famous book on personal productivity and success entitled, “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People”. Do his principles still work into today’s fast-paced, technology-driven culture? Welcome to Friday’s Food for Thought brought to you by Open Mortgage, where better is possible.

Let’s briefly examine each of the seven habits and see where they may apply in your daily routine as a reverse mortgage professional, spouse, parent or friend.

#1. Proactive. This is to focus on the things you can control and then devising a strategy to improve that particular undertaking. This stands opposed to reactive people who focus on what is out of their control and use their energy to complain.

#2. Proactive. Start with the end result in mind. Visualize the goal, reputation or situation you desire. Next, write down the necessary action steps to reach that goal. This requires prioritizing your life, which means learning what to say yes and no to.

#3. First Things First. Speaking of what to say yes and no to, Covey spent considerable time in his book outline the importance of priorities. His prioritization strategy centers on dividing tasks or goals into four quadrants: 1- important and urgent, 2- Important but…

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Closing the Gap

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Strategy is the needed bridge between dreams and reality


On this show, we have discussed how each of us can achieve our goals, increase our productivity and improve how we get things done each week. However, there is one missing ingredient needed to realize our dreams.

Every one of you watching has their personal and professional dreams. That is, the ultimate desired outcome you desire. The advantages of achieving your goals and dreams are numerous and may include:

  • You develop a new skill
  • New experiences reveal hidden character strengths
  • Your marketability as a sought-after professional
  • Your income increases
  • You will smile more

Stretching ourselves is uncomfortable…

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