Behavior vs. Outcome

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Looking Beyond Achieving Our Goals

reverse mortgage newsFor the most part reverse mortgage professionals are business people. That is we form a strategic business or marketing plan to reach an expected outcome. But are we putting the cart before the horse? Let’s step back and take a look first at self efficacy. This is the extent of one’s belief in their own abilities to complete tasks and reach goals. In other words one’s beliefs shape their daily behaviors and actions both personally and professionally. Most of our internal beliefs are shaped by experience and observation. But is focusing on our internal beliefs enough tor really affect the outcomes we want in life? Perhaps not. One of the most common mistakes people make is to fixate on the goal or expected outcome while ignoring their underlying behaviors…in other words our habits.

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Get More from Your Day

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The Art of Reducing & Managing Distractions

Reverse Mortgage News Video< Feel run down? Tired? Like life is a cluttered mess? As the demands of our professional life increase as a reverse mortgage professional we need to strip away the distractions that sabotage our day. Here are a few ways we can do our best by removing distractions. #1-  Get rid of bad habits. What habits? Perhaps staying up way to late, sleeping in late, watching too much TV. Look at both how you treat your body and what information you put in your mind. #2- Hit the stop button. Your phone is blowing up and emails flood your inbox but you have a project to complete or a loan file to finalize…

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How to Work Better – Seven Tips

Here we sit at our desk on Friday and may find ourselves wondering ‘ how am I going to get this all done?’ Don’t worry you’re not alone. That’s a question that often enters my mind. Want to feel good about the weekend before you leave the office today? Do you want to milk every ounce of efficiency from your time at the office? If your answer is yes here are seven ways to work better.

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