Why you should video conference potential borrowers

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video-callingEmail & phone calls have their limitations

I was reminded last week when conducting a Skype video call how emails and even phone calls can fail to create a personal connection. Have you ever considered making a video call with your prospective borrowers or those going through the applicaiton process?

*There is no transcript for this week’s episode.

Why you need a morning routine

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Practical tips for an effective morning routine

As much as you may dread the sound of your alarm clock each morning, nothing’s worse than chaos as you begin your day. When it comes to starting your day you want the safety of a routine that prevents your morning from crashing into mayhem. Even better, an effective morning routine generates momentum that will carry you throughout the day. With that in mind, here are several tips you can put into practice, several which I use myself.

Decrease your decisions. The fewer choices you have to make each morning the less stress you will feel. Many, myself included, eat the same breakfast each and every workday morning. Check your wardrobe and layout your clothes for the next day. Pack your briefcase or tote the night before. To avoid forgetting anything I’ve often put my car keys with my briefcase near the front door.

Get moving. Morning exercise is a great way to prepare your brain to learn and process information throughout the day. If you’re not a fan of exercise you could stretch instead. Find a good…
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How to Get Your Edge Back

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Using Occam’s Razor to Troubleshoot Your Reverse Mortgage Hurdles

Critical thinking is key for HECM professionals to overcome common issues in their business. Occam’s Razor may be just the approach you’ve been looking for…
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5 habits at home that hurt workplace productivity

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Here’s why what you do at home matters at work

Most American workers struggle to keep their home and work lives separate. Certainly there’s some validity to that point of view, yet the two are inexorably linked. How so? Consider that your bad habits at home may be setting you up for failure in the workplace? Here are a few examples and how we can change our habits at home to increase our success.

Lack of sleep
The vast majority of Americans suffer some level of sleep deprivation. Sadly this leads to a host of problems such as weight gain, health issues, poor focus, and depression. What can you do? First, if you use your phone as your alarm (sorry Alexa) set it across the room. This avoids the temptation to hit snooze. Also, understand that your sleep cycles are about 60-90 minutes long. This means every time you hit snooze and wake up 20 minutes later you are waking up mid-cycle which makes you feel groggy. Just as you schedule your activity at work try creating a regular time you go to bed. Your co-workers and family with thank you.

Skipping workouts
Many employers have realized that regular exercise results in increased work productivity and have chosen to…

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Creating New Habits

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Secrets to successfully creating new habits

Habits? Our daily tendency or practices- especially ones that are hard to give up. Truth be told, our lives our shaped by our habits. The habits of what we eat, smoke or don’t smoke, our choice of language, and even our habitual thoughts. One of the best ways we can stop bad habits and create good ones is to track them.

Before you decide to drop or pick up a habit determine three things: what’s my motivation, how often will I do it, and is it achievable?

Motivation. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions then the road to failure to create a new habit is paved with the wrong motivations. I firmly believe that we as human beings only change when we want to. If we try to form new habits for the wrong reasons we will fail. Motivations grounded in a deeply-seated desire are more likely to help you succeed versus what we think we ‘should’ do. Motivation pushes you over the hill when your willpower runs out...

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The Secrets of Rockefeller’s Rolodex


What Rockefeller’s Rolodex Reveals…

John shares a lesson from David Rockefeller’s Rolodex. Share in the comments or email John here.

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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9 Tips for a Happier Christmas

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Finding the joy in the holiday season

Ironically what should be the happiest season of the year can often become one of the most stressful, even worse, depressing for many.

1. Give the gift of memories. Apple, Google and others offer online photo books. You simply select your digital photos, arrange them and customize. Nothing is more heartfelt than the gift of memories. Trust me, they’ll look at your photo book year-round.

2. Watch Christmas movies with the entire family.
Today most families are watching TVs in their respective rooms. Come together instead to watch a Christmas classic. For me, it’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. For the more adventurous there’s always the original Die Hard. What’s yours?

3. Cook together. Cooking or baking?…
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