Goodbye HVCC?

Federal Reserve Eliminates HVCC

The Federal Reserve has passed an interim rule (read more here) that effectively eliminates the controversial HVCC (Home Valuation Code of Conduct). Many originators and industry professionals agree that appraisal independence is needed but not on how to achieve that end. Without the HVCC will much really change? What are your thoughts?

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New Video: Industry Update #3

Reverse Mortgage Floor Change

Weekly video recap updating professionals on industry changes in the reverse mortgage marketplace. Return here each Friday for new videos.

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HUD Letter

New Change In The Floor
This week was a game changer in the reverse mortgage industry when HUD announced a new change in the floor. Watch the video for more.

Can HECM Regulators Act Unethically Toward the Reverse Mortgage Program?

Tell the woman who can no longer obtain a reverse mortgage because the program benefit cuts prevent her from getting rid of her conventional mortgage (she never could afford)-that Washington supports the program; Tell the man who desperately needs the reverse mortgage and yet was turned down because underwriting guidelines prefer that the properly executed power of attorney be called into question by an artificial standard-that Washington supports the program

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Time Magazine: Another ignorant smear piece on reverse mortgages

Time Magazine: Ignorant Smear Piece On Reverse MortgagesI couldn’t read this “journalistic” (too use the term loosely) hit piece (Six Problems the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Should Tackle First) and not respond. Below is my letter to the editor of Time Magazine requesting a retraction…

Dear Editor,

As a reverse mortgage professional I am writing about your publication’s recent story published July 6th highlighting reverse mortgages as one of the six problem areas that the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau needs to address. After reading my comments I would ask that your publication publish a retraction or correction in fairness to your readers who deserve the truth. Unfortunately, such retractions are much like trying to pick up feathers scattered in the wind.

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