e Pluribus Unum

reverse mortgage news


Out of many, we are one

We are all familiar with the phrase imprinted on our currency which reads e Pluribus Unum: ‘Out of many, one”. As the Roman empire continued to expand the unspoken civic religion was to take many individuals from its far-flung territories and turn them into a Roman. Centuries later this worthy phrase was adopted by a newly-formed nation whose founders knew well the importance of a diverse yet unified people.

Today the reverse mortgage industry embodies this famous Latin phrase with a sales force of varying backgrounds, expertise and age groups. Chief among the unifying factors is the underlying ethos of reverse mortgage professionals- that is to...

Is Optimism Overrated?

reverse mortgage news

Is optimism overrated? Is it an empty word? Some say yes.

Optimism is good for our mental health and overall outlook but it will do nothing to improve our situation. Optimism without action is empty.

Don’t be mistaken, optimism has several advantages, the chief among them being that it opens our minds to see and seize opportunities a pessimistic mind would overlook. However, the most important quality of optimism is that it can be the fuel to take action. Optimism is seeing the opportunities in the challenges we face, whereas action is the bridge to making the desired outcome a reality.

An optimistic individual who does not take action may find their optimism souring into a pessimistic outlook. Even worse, they will find themselves regretting the actions they didn’t take. Regret is much more painful than pessimism in that it’s disappointment fully realized.

For us to begin taking positive steps to build our business requires some measure of optimism. But where does pessimism come into play?

Psychologists have identified two types of pessimism. Depressive and defensive. Depressive pessimism saps the will power of the individual who believes they lack the skills, resources, and talent to succeed. In its simplest form, it says ‘why even bother?’. Defensive pessimists are quite different. They worry about specific potential negative outcomes and then harness that anxiety to take action. A defensive mindset anticipates the unexpected and seeks to find ways to adapt and overcome.

Whether you are a self-described pessimist or optimist, know how to harness each to a positive end result. Seek the mindset that best serves you while remaining rooted in the reality of the challenges you face.

Is optimism overrated? Yes, when it results in no action taken. However, it remains a priceless asset in helping us take the first steps toward deliberate and continued activities to grow our business.

More than a cliche: Back to Basics

ePath 100K RM leads

Increased sales skills effectiveness

One of the things we don’t have to tell you is that the business of originating reverse mortgages is challenging. Some see new sales opportunities.  Others say it is time to get back to basics. That was one of the themes heard on last week’s conference call presented by Reverse Mortgage Daily.  But don’t dismiss this as a common cliche. It’s not.

The reality is reverse mortgage originators are now being forced to revisit core sales skills and strategies to make a living in today’s challenging marketplace. What are those strategies? We will touch on a few today. But before we do a here’s a collective gut check. ‘Am I do everything possible today to see the maximum number of potential reverse mortgage borrowers?’ Most of us can honestly answer- no- seeing that there is always room for improvement.

First, how often you’re getting out of your office?

Tom Kelly’s Article: The Comparative Expense of a Reverse Mortage

Suggested reading:

How to Master the Art of Selling
Tom Hopkins

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Robert Cialdini

Attitude is Everything
Jeff Keller

Your Passport is Here

reverse mortgage success


Practicing the art of intentional thinking

If you want to travel abroad you will need a passport. And truth be told, many of us find ourselves occasionally stuck on the continent of negativity hoping someday to make the trip to the land of optimism. But first you’ll need a passport, and that passport is your attitude...

The Barbed Wire in our Mind

reverse mortgage sales

It may seem that applicants have to chew through barbed wire to get a reverse mortgage. But is that truly the case or the mindset we pass on to potential borrowers? Perhaps the biggest hurdle is the barbed wire we’ve erected in our own mind.

The truth is that our habitual language and attitude will eventually find its way into our communication with older homeowners. Language that erects barriers, instills fear, or increase anxiety is not only counterproductive, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps you’ve avoided this trap, but being mindful of our attitude’s influence in our sales is worthy of our attention.

Here are some points to ponder:

  • Make peace with the fact that the HECM is more difficult today for older homeowners to qualify for, however…
  • Over 10,000 people turn 65 each day
  • Interest rates remain relatively low
  • Home values have rebounded and remain relatively stable
  • Many still need retirement income solutions in their non-working years

Acceptance is the first step. Until we make peace with today’s lending environment our mental energy will be sapped hindering our sales effectiveness. So you’ve made peace with our present reality. What can be done to help increase the number of loans you close each month? Here are some ideas.

  • Relook your marketing approach. If it’s the same message as everyone else, good luck. You’re just another color in the rainbow. Seek ways to be unique while being compliant with your lender.
  • Turn hurdles such as the financial assessment and 2nd appraisal into part of the reverse mortgage process. Even better, as protection against defaulting on the loan or preserving equity.
  • Become ‘the’ authority on all things reverse mortgage by speaking on local radio shows, your city’s affiliate TV station or contributing columns or quote in your regional newspaper. In a field of competitors, homeowners tend to gravitate toward the local authority.
  • Go back to your old leads in your CRM or database. If you don’t use a CRM, get one (such as Sales Engine) and input your old leads. Even today loan officers are closing 1-2 loans each month from aged leads. Why? Because everyone’s situation changes. The bigger your database, the more loans you can potentially close.
  • Consider offering local seminars at a low cost. Find creative ways to advertise to local senior homeowners. One title that worked well for me was ‘The Truth About Reverse Mortgages’. Partner with a trusted financial advisor or attorney to add even more credibility.

The constraints of our market provide an opportunity for innovation. Try some of these ideas in your daily business activities and most importantly, accept what you cannot control, and focus on what you do influence; your activities.

6 Words to Ponder

reverse mortgage news


Consider these words

What determines your reality? Why are constraints good for us? We examine these questions and more…

When they don’t return your calls

reverse mortgage news

Norcom Mortgage reverse mortgage hiring

Tips to get clients with ‘cold feet’ to re-engage

Things were going great. The homeowner was interested and seemed ready to move forward but now will not return your calls. What should you do next?  Join Norcom Mortgage today and let them help get you started!

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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FREE Sales Tip Webinar December 12th

Norcom Mortgage sales webinar

Norcom Mortgage reverse mortgage hiring

Register today for a FREE Sales Webinar Wednesday, December 6th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern

About John Luddy:
John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here


Fill out my online form.

Norcom Mortgage reverse mortgage hiring

Keep your routine

reverse mortgage news

Personal & Professional Tips for the Holiday Season

Keeping your routine during the holidays has its benefits...


Rebranding for Proprietary Reverse Mortgages

proprietary reverse mortgage news

Norcom Mortgage reverse mortgage hiring

Your brand may be due for a makeover to effectively market proprietary reverse mortgage loans

Just as the proprietary reverse mortgage market is unique so should be your marketing approach.

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here


Fill out my online form.

Norcom Mortgage reverse mortgage hiring