True Stories from the Field

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Are your referral sources missing the boat?

A traditional mortgage broker called her saying “there’s just not enough money in the new reverse mortgage so I told her we can’t help”. Are your referral sources closing the doors to a potential client unnecessarily? Where do you begin? (There is no transcript for this episode)

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The Secrets of Rockefeller’s Rolodex


What Rockefeller’s Rolodex Reveals…

John shares a lesson from David Rockefeller’s Rolodex. Share in the comments or email John here.

About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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A Home for You and Your Team

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Communication avoids misgivings and surprises…

Norcom has a business model that will fit YOUR business model…especially after HECM changes begin October 2nd.
About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here

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reverse mortgage news

The Courtship of Sales

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Winning the hearts of those you seek to do business with

  1. Be memorable
  2. Be authentic
  3. Reconnect sooner than later
  4. Get a second date
  5. Show up on time
  6. Be polite and persistent

*there is no transcript for today’s episode.

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How to Appear Smarter…


7 Tips to Appear Smarter

“One must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”

*There is no video transcript of this episode

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