What People Love to Talk About
The Social Hack for Conversations
Do you want to make a memorable impression, win over a new friend, be someone that people seek out? Learn this one social hack and you will!
Last evening I attended a friends going away party. Arriving at a local eatery I walked into a room of over two dozen well-wishers, two whom I knew. After buying my buddy’s drink and sitting down to enjoy my own I sat down surrounded by a table of complete strangers. We shared two things in common, a mutual friend and our shared interest in cycling advocacy. How does one expand their social influence? How can you make a lasting impression when meeting someone?
My seat mate looked familiar from previous political meetings where we had argued for protection of bike trails and transportation planning. After introducing myself I asked the typical questions of ‘what do you do‘ and how did you meet our mutual friend?‘ Our conversation lasted 45 minutes and a new friend was made.
Rule #1: People love to talk about themselves
You know everything about yourself already, right? Of course. Ask them about their interests, what they are passionate about, or their favorite free time activities. Listen closely for details.
Rule #2: Ask follow up questions
In this situation my new acquaintance is a teacher at…
When They’re Ticked Off
6 keys to win back angry customers
It happens, or as a bumper sticker says… Despite your efforts, systems and organization it will happen- your clients will get ticked off- at you! It’s a mix of disappointment that all your safeguards didn’t prevent the situation in the first place coupled with the stress of dealing with an angry homeowner. How do you mend the relationship?
How can we effectively deal with unhappy, angry or disappointed clients? Here are a few tips:
1. Isolate the issue. What is it specifically that triggered an angry reaction? Was it a lack of communication? Unmet expectations? A misunderstanding of the reverse mortgage? You must first know what the cause is before you jump in to fix it.
2. Lose the ego. It takes a strong person to admit when they…
Dealing with Adult Children
Try this strategy the next time adult children are at the appointment
Adult children. There are many times when they should and can be at their parent’s reverse mortgage appointment. How do you approach such a meeting? When should you arrive? What personality types should you be aware of.
About John Luddy: John has trained reverse mortgage professionals how to be successful when sitting face-to-face at the kitchen table with prospective HECM borrowers. Norcom is looking for qualified loan officer candidates. To learn more call 1-860-507-2582 or email John Luddy here
I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind
Dealing with and overcoming the daily grind
“I pledge allegiance to the grind, and to the exhaustion for which it stands. One professional, over worked, with burnout and frustration for all.”
A recent blog post entitled “I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind” got me thinking. How many are dissatisfied, not because of what they are doing, but because how they are doing it?
You’ve probably heard about the doctor who is burned out after a decade in practice, who just wants to ‘do their own thing’. Can you blame them? Burnout is a result of ‘the grind’. Here are some ways we can step back, reevaluate and regain some semblance of perspective.
1. Start at the beginning. What got you into reverse mortgage lending? Being a business owner, spouse or partner? Think back and remember the ‘why’ when you first began.
Questions you should be asking
Here’s why some qualified prospects are saying ‘no’
When you meet with a prospective reverse mortgage borrower what do you want? Facts, figures, account balances? Or in addition to the necessary information you must gather, do you want something more revealing?
The truth is even if you find a qualified, or even ideal reverse mortgage candidate who looks great on paper they may choose to put off getting a reverse mortgage. Why would an ideal candidate do such a thing? I’m certain most of you have found yourself asking that question when leaving an appointment. If qualified and possibly motivated borrowers are saying no it could be because you’re not asking the right questions.
With the increasing requirements to gather additional financial information as evidenced in the Financial Assessment we can find ourselves missing the opportunity to ask open-ended questions that uncover motive, state of mind, values and more. Here are just a few potential questions we can add to our sales toolset today.
- What’s going on in your financial life today?
- Have things changed?
- You mentioned that you want to…
Download a transcript of this episode here.
Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today
How’s Your Foundation?
This last weekend I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of foundations. My wife and I recently purchased a new memory foam bed. Seeking greater stability I decided to make some changes..
Each of us should examine the foundation of our business: our plan, where we spend our time, and how often we get out of the office and effectively engage homeowners and professionals in our region…
Serving vs. Selling
Let’s face it, older homeowners can get a reverse mortgage from any qualified lender. In fact, some may never have to sit face to face with a loan officer. Also, the reverse mortgage has become increasingly like it’s traditional cousin, the forward mortgage. The truth is anyone can attempt to sell a reverse mortgage but fewer have mastered the art of serving.
With reverse mortgage becoming increasingly commoditized it is important for us to move from selling to serving our prospective borrowers.
Here are a few thoughts that come to mind.
1. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Try this the next time you speak with a potential borrower. Instead of launching into the features, benefits and particulars of the reverse mortgage do this…
Download a transcript of this episode here.
Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary, and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today
Allergic Reactions
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Challenging Denial? Proceed with Caution
It’s springtime here in the western U.S. where the sun shines, flowers and trees bloom and allergy season begins. In fact as I speak my car is covered with the yellow telltale powder of tree pollen. While physical allergies are easy to identify and treat, what about allergic reactions to truth?
Physical allergies are triggered when a person comes in contact with a substance that triggers a a reactions, most commonly a release of histamines that seek to protect your immune system. The problem for those who have allergies their bodies have confused harmless substances as potential threats creating a defensive response. Psychological allergies are quite another matter. Each of us have our hard-wired responses to perceived threats, unsettling information or personal conflict. Some our own responses could be likened to an allergic reaction.
The same can be said with the prospective borrowers we meet. If we do not tread carefully when exposing the truth that more funds are needed to fund their retirement the feedback can be less than pleasant…
Download a transcript of this episode here.
Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.
The Greatest Fear of All
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Overcoming Fear of Rejection for Greater Sales Success
Someone once told me “the answer is always no until you ask”. I beat this mantra into my consciousness early in my sales career. It speaks to a common affliction often found in salespeople: the fear of rejection.
As human beings we are hard-wired to seek connection, acceptance and belonging. Fear of rejection focuses on the potential loss of these nobel aspirations. Truth be told none of us are immune yet some have mastered their fear pushing through to new levels of personal victory and professional achievement. How can each of us as reverse mortgage professional manage this human condition?
It’s strictly business
Life is a teacher and at times an brutal drill instructor. We have learned repeatedly that being rejected hurts. This repeated cycle of action and consequence can leave some feeling insecure as to how they should approach others coupled with a bruised sense of worth. When it comes to sales there is something we should first consider: the rejection is not of you as a person but of the idea or product you are selling. As Michael Corleone opined in the Godfather “…
Download a transcript of this episode here.
Looking for more reverse mortgage news, commentary and technology? Visit ReverseFocus.com today.