They’re checking you out

reverse mortgage news


Potential borrowers are looking you up. Are you ready?

[Watch last week’s episode]

Let’s talk about social media and blogs. Smart Insights, an online publisher and learning platform that helps maximize their online marketing, shows us the importance of having a consistent social media presence. They found that 82% of baby boomers use Facebook, 60% spend time reading blogs, and more than half will visit your company website when seeing your social media post.

So what does this tell us? First, now is the time to ensure you have a steady stream of relevant and compliant content to post on your social media channels. Always check with your broker or lender first. Many can assist you in providing the content you need. Second- look at your company’s website. Does it list you as one of their current reverse mortgage specialists? Boomers visit company websites to see if the lender behind your post is established, reputable, and professional, Third- consider blogging. Well-written blog articles help establish your credibility and expertise. Your lender or broker may have a blog, and you can also create your own in our turn-key reverse mortgage website creator MyLoanOfficer. Marketing online doesn’t have to be rocket science, it just takes a little know-how and planning.